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Wednesday 20 July 2022

CwSN Enrollment Drive in all management Schools and update in UDISE+

CwSN Enrollment Drive in all management Schools and update in UDISE+ Drive for Identification and Enrolment of Children with Special Needs in all management Schools and update in UDISE+ in the State for the academic year 2022-23

Rc.No. SS-23021/41/2022-IED KGBV-SSA   Dt. 08/07/2022

Sub.:- APSS-Inclusive  Education - Drive for Identification and Enrolment of Children with Special Needs in all management Schools and update in UDISE+ in the State for the academic year 2022-23 – Instructions issued - Reg.

Read: Instructions issued by the Additional Secretary to Government of India, Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India, New Delhi in virtual meeting held on 9th June, 2022.



The District  Educational Officers  & Ex-Officio  District  Project Coordinators  and Additional  Project Coordinators  of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that during the virtual meeting in the reference cited, GOI pointed out about low enrollment shown in the UDISE and very low updation by private unaided schools on CWSN children when compare to national averages and suggested to improve the enrolment of Children with Special Needs in UDISE+ by conducting special drives in  all management schools.

It is decided to identify the all CWSN children in all management schools by conducting drive for Identification, Enrolment and update in UDISE+ of CwSN in all management schools for the academic year 2022- 23 from 16-07-2022 to 30-07-2022 duly following the instructions scrupulously as follows:-


Time Scheduled for the Programme (identification & Enrolment of CwSN in schools):







Allotment of Habitations to the enumerators.




Enrolment of Identified CwSN and OOSC CwSN in Government and Government Aided Schools at field level by enumerators.

16-07-2022       to



The CRPs (Cluster Resource Persons), IERPs (Inclusive Education Recourse Persons), PTIs (Part time instructors), Anganwadi workers (ICDS), Village Volunteers, Ward Welfare Education Assistants shall be utilized in urban areas.

Role and responsibilities of the District Educational Officer&E&- Officio Project Coordinators:

  • Instruct to concerned district authorities for preparing an action plan on enrolling of Children with Special Needs and identified Out of School Children with Special Needs in schools
  • Instructions should be given to all the School Complex Head Masters and the Teachers to co-operate with the enumerators and enroll identified CwSN in schools
  • Instructions should be given to all Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers to conduct the targeted House hold survey for identification of Children with Special Needs
  • Should visit 1or 2 mandals per day during the
  • Conduct review meetings twice in a week with the MEOs, E.Os and Sectoral Officers.

Role and Responsibilities of Additional Project Coordinators:

  • Monitoring of enrolment drive regularly and rectifying gaps at field level
  • Developing pamphlets, posters and banners about the facilities provided to CwSN in schools with support of district sectorals
  • Communication of SPO instructions time to time to all field
  • Monitoring of Day-wise

Roles and Responsibilities of District IE and Asst.IE coordinators:

  • Obtain Out of school Children with Special Needs information from district Alternative School coordinators as per the proforma
  • Designing of posters, pamphlets and banners
  • Define roles and responsibilities of IERPs
  • Collecting day wise progress on enrolling of CwSN in schools
  • Submit day wise consolidation report to SPO

Role of Deputy Educational Officers:

  • Conducting of mandal level orientation to School Complex Head Masters, MEOs enumerators and other stake
  • During the survey cross check randomly and ensure for quality of
  • Co-ordinate with all Mandal Educational Officers in the
  • Monitoring the Progress of Survey in their
  • Submission of consolidation report to the Additional Project 

Role of Mandal Educational Officers:

  • Conduct of mandal level orientation to School Complex Head Masters and other stake holders
  • Identification of Enumerators
  • Preparation of day-wise and village wise action
  • Allotment of habitations/Wards to the enumerators.
  • Conduct of orientation programme to the
  • Visit 4 to 5 villages/Habitations/Wards per da
  • During the survey cross check at random and ensure quality
  • Collection of data from the
  • Submission of consolidated report to the concerned Deputy Educational
  • Monitoring the Progress on daily

Roles and Responsibilities of IERPs:

  • Identification and Enrolment of CwSN in
  • Submit day wise progress report to district IE coordinator
  • Motivate and mobilization of parents of CwSN on importance of Education to their children
  • Creating awareness to community members on policies and provisions that are providing to CwSN by government of Andhra Pradesh

Role of Sectoral Officers/Assistant Sectorial Officers:

  • Visit 2 to 3 mandals per day in their allotted
  • During the survey cross check randomly and ensure for quality of
  • Time to time guidance to the MEOs and
  • Conduct reviews with the MEOs on progress of the
  • Cross verification of data at the field

Role of School Complex & Head Master:

  • Orientation to Teachers and
  • Monitoring of cluster level
  • Visit 2 or 3 villages per
  • During the survey cross check randomly and ensure quality
  • Cross verification of the
  • Submission of day wise progress to the MEO
  • All CwSN must continue their education from Pre-primary to

Role of Enumerator:

  • Conduct and complete the survey as per schedule
  • Collecting accurate
  • All schools/ villages should be covered within the timeline.
  • Concentrate until completion of “Identification of CwSN Survey”.
  • Submission of day-wise reports to the Complex chairman &
  • Identify all CwSN information in allotted
  • The targeted age group was from 0 - 18

Role of Village Volunteers & Ward Welfare Education Assistant:

  • Collect all Children Special Needs data in their allotted
  • Motivate the parents of CwSN towards education of their children
  • To communicate the dropout and migrant children information to the School Head master and the MEO concerned time to

Monitoring Teams:

  • State level: State E. Coordinator.
  • District level: DEOs, Additional Project Coordinator, and all Sectoral officers & Sectoral officers of Samagra Shiksha.
  • Divisional level: Deputy Educational officers, Deputy Inspectors of Schools (Urdu), Labour Officer
  • Mandal level: MEOs, Complex HM, School HM.


  • A district level convergence meeting has to be convened by the Additional Project Coordinator to highlight the need and necessity for conducting the proposed survey in the district through
  • District IE Coordinator and Assistant IE Coordinator are the responsible persons to implement the programme at District
  • All the participants should be properly motivated and instructed to perform the assigned work with utmost quality in the stipulated Submit the names of enrolled CwSN in school to State Project Office
  • The Mandal Educational Officer is the Mandal level convener for conducting the survey for identification of Children with Special
  • Complex Head Master is the cluster level convener for his complex to trace out the CwSN and identified out of School The role of Complex Chairman is very crucial for identification of CwSN.
  • The Enumerators should take proper care to identify the
  • The Enumerators should not give false and fabricated information under any If anything found wrong serious view will be taken against individuals.
  • DEOs & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators / Additional Project Coordinators must give priority for the enrolment and instruct IERPs /CRPs /Part time Instructors and those who are involved in the Survey until completion of the programmee.
  • The Mandal Educational Officers should submit enumerator wise habitation-wise work allotment and action plan to the DPO Office and the DPO in turn to submit the same to the SPO
  • MIS coordinator at mandal level is responsible for enrolling the identified CwSN in UDISE+ and submit the daily consolidate report to DPO
  • MIS Co-ordinator at district level is responsible to submit the daily consolidated status reports to
  • Additional Project Coordinator should appoint one sectoral officer for each division for close monitoring of the
  • Consolidation of data at the district level is the sole responsibility of MIS /Planning Coordinator of Samagra Shiksha.
  • The Village Volunteer and Ward Education Assistant need to support the enumerators in their Jurisdiction and ensure the quality of Survey.
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