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Sunday 3 July 2022

AP Students New Admissions Online Entry Process, Link

AP Students New Admissions Online Entry Process, Link New Student Enrollment in Child Info New Website 2021 AP Student Online Registration Form EMS 2023-24 Student Active and Inactive Service (Drop Box & Drop out to active)

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AP Students New Admissions Online Entry Process, Link

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  • How to enter New Students Admission Details in Student Information Management System SIMS 2021-22 | New Student Admission details Form pdf useful for 4 students in single page.
How to Active and Inactive Service (Drop Box & Drop out to active) a Student:

1. Login inti Student Info Website

2. Click on  Student Active and Inactive under Admissions & Exit

3. Enter Student Aadhar Number / Child ID and click on get details

4. Enter details and click on Submit

Active and Inactive Service (Drop Box & Drop out to active)

Student Active and Inactive Services (Drop Box & Drop out (Inactive) to active) option web site watch live video click here

Register, active and inactive students click here
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