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Friday 17 June 2022

Teachers / HMs Deputations to IASEs / CTEs/ GCPE / DIETs - Guidelines

Teachers / HMs Deputations to IASEs / CTEs/ GCPE / DIETs - Guidelines Deputations to IASEs / CTEs/ GCPE / DIETs Streamlining the lapses - Guidelines for continuation of the deputations / repatriation of Teachers / HMs in the Teacher Training Institutions ie., IASEs/CTE, GCPE and DIETs in the State Filling up of the regular vacancies in IASEs / CTEs/ GCPE / DIETs by way of deputations - Streamlining the lapses identified in the deputations - Certain Instructions - Issued

 Rc.No. 140/A&I/2020.   Dated: 11/06/2022

Sub: School Education - Strengthening of the Teacher Education Institutions - Filling up of the regular vacancies in IASEs / CTEs/ GCPE / DIETs by way of deputations - Streamlining the lapses identified in the deputations - Certain Instructions - Issued 

Read: This Office Proceedings Rc.No. 140/A71/2020 dt 17.6.2020 along with Annexure

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education /District Educational Officers and the Principals of IASEs / CTEs / GCPE /DIETs in the State is invited to the reference read above, wherein necessary instructions/guidelines were issued for the selection of Teachers / HMs of Govt. / ZP Management Schools to work on deputation in the Teacher Training Institutions to impart regular academic instructions to the teacher trainees in the Teacher Education Institutions in the State. The salaries of the deputation staff are being paid from the respective Institutions.

Further, they are informed that certain lapses were brought to the notice of the undersigned on the following issues:   

a. NCTE guidelines are not been followed while issuing the deputation orders i.e., Teachers/HMs not having M.Ed., & without appropriate methodology are posted. 
b. Seniority of the Head Master/School Assistant were not considered in some districts.
c. Posts are filled without having sufficient work load.
d. Postings are done without the approval of three-men committee.

 Government vide GO No 15 dated 12.04.2022 has issued orders to transfer the subject matter of B.Ed., M.Ed., B.PEd and M.PEd courses to Higher Education the said courses are based on the semesters, the final semesters will be completed by September, 2022. And no ELTC/Telugu & Hindi Pandit courses are been offered/conducted at 5 DIETS and 2 IASES

A meeting was called for with Principal DIETS/IASE/CTE on 20.05.202 in the state to discuss and design/develop the strategy for deployment of HM/Teachers of eligible staff at DIET IASE/ CTE as per the workload published in ALMANAC prepared by the SCERT/University Guidelines.

After elaborate discussions it was decided that to depute minimum (8 Lecturers) teaching faculty at IASE/CTE including regular lecturers if any available, 12 teachers may be considered for deputation including regular lecturer as per the workload and additional teachers may be considered if any Urdu Tamil medium are offered at DIETs. As such no courses are been offered for Telugu / Hindi Pandit training.

Accordingly the detailed guidelines for the continuance or repatriation of the deputed headmasters / School Assistants to work in the Teacher Training Institutions are appended in the Annexure.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers, Principals of IASES/CTES/GCPE/DIETS in the State are requested to adhere to the given guidelines and complete the entire process within the stipulated time and submit the compliance to the undersigned by submitting the list of teachers considered for deputation for approval.

The entire process should be completed by on or before 25th June, 2022.

Encl: as above

Download Proceedings | Guidelines copy | NCTE Guidelines

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