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Thursday 23 June 2022

Room to Read Library Training for teachers Live Link, Attendance Link

Room to Read Library Training for teachers Live Link, Attendance Link Training Programme on Library Capacity building of teachers by Room to Read in Govt. Schools Capacity building of teachers by Room to Read Live Link, Attendance Link Room to Read One day Capacity Building Orientation to all the teachers in Govt Schools SIEMAT - SS - AP, Capacity building of teachers on strengthening of school libraries and effective utilization of library resources along with reading activities.

AP Diksha YouTube Live link to join the session to all the Govt. school teachers on 23 June 2022 at 03:00 PM

Online Training on School Library - Teacher Participation details

Assessment on Library capacity building orientation organized ( YouTube live) on 23 June 2022 by Room to Read.

Assessment on Library capacity building orientation organized ( YouTube live in AP Diksha) on 23 June 2022 by Room to Read

Attendance, Assessment Link click here

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✒️Strengthening of school, 

✒️Libraries and its types

Introduction of reading, 

✒️Period activities and extension, 

✒️Effective utilization of library resources


click on the below link to join the training session

Agenda for Capacity building of teachers by Room to Read in Govt. Schools, AP:


Room to Read Training for teachers Live Link, Attendance Link
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