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Monday 27 June 2022

District Level HMs Capacity building Training

District Level HMs Capacity building Training District Level Capacity building Training to All Headmasters Instructions, Schedule School Education - SCERT AP - Academic and Administrative reforms and its implementation Capacity building to Headmasters of High schools in the State - District Level from 26th June, 2022 to 2nd July, 2022 Orders issued

Rc.No: ESE02/440/2022-SCERT   Dated: 25/06/2022

Sub: School Education - SCERT AP - Academic and Administrative reforms and its implementation Capacity building to Headmasters of High schools in the State - District Level from 26th June, 2022 to 2nd July, 2022 Orders issued - Reg. 

Ref: This office Proc. Rc. No ESE02/377/2022-SCERT dt 30.05.2022.

 All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are aware that academic and administrative reforms are being implemented in the state. As part of the reforms the academic calendar for the year 2022-23 is prepared focusing on the improvement of learning out comes in the students. Accordingly SCERT AP conducted a two days State Level Capacity Building Programme to the identified Headmasters (Master Trainers) across the state from 2nd to 3rd June, 2022.

In continuation, it is proposed to conduct District Level Capacity Building Programme to all the Head masters in the respective districts under supervision of the District Educational Officers concerned duly utilizing the resources of the Headmasters (Master trainers) who are trained at State level.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to conduct the capacity building programme to all Headmasters for any two consecutive days in between 27th June and 2nd July 2022 duly ensuring that all Headmasters undergone the training.

The compliance shall be reported to the undersigned.

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