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Monday 6 June 2022

APMS Outsourcing / Contract staff Continuation of Services for 2022-23

APMS Outsourcing / Contract staff Continuation of Services for 2022-23 Continuation of Services of Outsourcing / Contract staff in A.P Model Schools during summer vacation period of 2021-22 after giving break of service 2 days i.e.. 27.05.2022 & 28.05.2022 - Orders 

Rc.No.ESE02-11021/224/2018-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE  Dated. 04/06/2022

Sub:- School Education - A.P. Model Schools Society - Continuation of Services of Outsourcing / Contract staff in A.P Model Schools during summer vacation period of 2021-22 after giving break of service 2 days i.e.. 27.05.2022 & 28.05.2022-Orders - Issued.


1 This office Proc.Rc. No. 213/B1/APMS/2015, Dt.02-05-2021.
2 This office Procs.Rc.No. ESE02011021/224/2018-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE, Dated:02.07.2021

In continuation to the references read above, all the District Educational Officers and all the Principals of A.P. Model Schools in the State are hereby informed that the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. is pleased to terminate the services of following out-sourcing/ Contracted staff working in the AP model schools by giving break of service 2 days i.e., 27.05.2022 & 28.05.2022 (After intermediate examinations) and re-engage them in to the services from 29-05-2022 for the Academic Year 2022-23. 

1. Physical Director (1)
2. Computer Teacher (1) 
3. Clerk cum accountant (1)
4. Junior Assistant (1)
5. Office subordinate (2) 
6. Night watchman (2)

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and all the Principals of A.P. Modal Schools in the State are directed to follow the above instructions and their services shall be continued for the end of the academic year 2022-23 only. Further, They are requested to follow the rules and regulations of the government and also the guidelines issued by this office scrupulously without any deviations while re-engaging the services of employees on an Outsourcing and Contract basis under A.P Model Schools.

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