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Tuesday 17 May 2022

Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal Act 14 of 2013

Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal Act 14 of 2013  - Nomination of External Member - orders

Rc. No. 453/A&I/2016   Dated: 15/05/2022

Sub: School Education - O/o Commissioner of school Education, AP - Constitution of internal complaints in compliance with Redressal) Act, 2013 - Nomination of External Member - orders-Issued - Reg.

1. Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal) Act 14 of 2013.
2. This office proc.No.453/A & I/2016, Dt: 13.08.2018. 
3. This office proc.No.453/A & I/2016, Dt: 24.08.2018.
4. This office proc.No.453/A & I/2016, Dt: 28.11.2018.
5. ProRc.No.ESE02-11/44/2021-SCERT-2, Dt:11/09/2021 of the Director of School Education, AP.
6. Lr.No.Nil, Dt:24.03.2022,  of the Assistant Director & Presiding officer internal committee of sexual Harassment.
7. Note orders of the Commissioner of School Education


It is to informed that, as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 the following officers are herebs nominated to the State Level Internal Complaints Committee to conduct enquiries on the complaints received at State Level as per the Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal) Act 14 of 2013 and to take necessars action as per the provisions laid down in the said Act. 14/2013. The details are as follows:





Name of the officer. suggested (Smt/Sri) of


Additional Director / Joint Director   (Woman)

Presiding Officer

1. KNVS.Annapurna, DD (Plg).


Assistant Director (Man) / Superintendent(Woman)

Two Members

1.Pattena Chowdars, AD    (GS   &   GR   &





2.B.V. Naga Madhavi, Superintendent


One      member       from      NGO      / Associations      committed     to    the cause of women or person familiar with the issues relating to sexual harassment at State Level


1.B.Sai Prisa.

Therefore, the committee is requested to take necessars action on the complaints received at the state-level on sexual harassment of women at the workplace and submit compliance reports to the undersigned from time to time.

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