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Thursday 12 May 2022

Nadu Nedu Schools Visits under గడప గడపకు మన ప్రభుత్వం

Nadu Nedu Schools Visits under గడప గడపకు మన ప్రభుత్వం Circular. No.1159600/MBNN/2022 , Dt:11/05/2022

Sub: School Education – Mana Badi Nadu Nedu - గడప గడపకు మన ప్రభుత్వం - Visit by Hon’ble MLAs in the state and also visits to the Village / Ward secretariats- accompany Mandal level officer in the concerned jurisdiction – instructions- issued -Reg.

Read: G.O. RT No.68, Dt.10.05.2022 , Planning (VII) Department , Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra Pradesh Government has witnessed unprecedented momentum in the welfare sector during the past 3 years in implementing various welfare schemes and distribution of benefits in Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.

In pursuance of the G.O. referred above Government has started new program by name "గడప గడపకు మన ప్రభుత్వం."

As part of this Program the Hon’ble MLAs will visit households and inquire with beneficiaries regarding improvements to be made in the delivery of benefits and also obtain feedback from the public.

Further, as per the schedule finalized by the respective District Collectors within the limits of Grama Sachivalayam / Ward sachivalayam, the Hon’ble MLAs shall visit all the households in all Villages / Wards along with other Public Representatives and Officers of Mandal / Municipality and Village / Ward level from 11th May, 2022 on wards and the program will be continued till all the households in their jurisdiction are exhaustively covered.

In this context, Government instructed to provide necessary data regarding the Developments in the respective Government schools in the Mandal taken up under Phase-I and planned to be taken up in Phase- II , Nadu-Nedu program one day prior to the Hon’ble MLAs visit as per the schedule given by the District Collectors.

Wherever Phase-I works are completed but not inaugurated they can be inaugurated by the Hon’ble MLA. A maximum of Rs.5000/- for Primary Schools and a maximum Rs.10,000/- for High School / Upper Primary Schools can be spent for this purpose. For Phase-II schools Ground breaking ceremony can be conducted, a maximum of Rs.5000/- per school can be spent for this purpose.

Hence , All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby instructed to direct respective Mandal Educational Officers in their jurisdiction to accompany the Hon’ble MLAs in their field visits until completion of the above said program.

The schedule will be issued by the Concerned District Collectors.

The District Educational Officers are directed to co-ordinate with the District Collectors to include the programs indicated above in the Program Schedule. Please ensure that the Mandal Educational Officers are accompanying the Hon’ble MLAs and brief them about the improvements taken up in Phase-I and proposed activities in Phase-II of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Program.

Encl: As above

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