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Monday 17 January 2022

Sitting arrangements to the students in the Govt / ZP Management Schools

Sitting arrangements to the students in the Govt / ZP Management Schools

Rc.No.1/A&I/2022 Dated: 15/01/2022

Sub: School Education - Sitting arrangements to the students in the Govt / ZP Management Schools - Certain Instructions - Issued.

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All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that it is brought to the notice that some students are sitting on the benches and others are sitting on the floor in the same class-room in some schools, due to non availability of sufficient benches. This leads to disparity and some times avoidable discrimination among the students in the same class.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Headmasters of all Govt./ Z.P. management Schools that, necessary steps should be taken to avoid such incidences. If sufficient benches are not available in any particular classroom to seat all children, either arrange benches from other rooms to seat all students on benches or if it is not possible, seat all students on the floor in the said classroom.

These instructions should be followed scrupulously.

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