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Thursday 2 December 2021

Request for self drawing powers to Mandal Educational Officers Detailed Report / Specific remarks

Request for self drawing powers to Mandal Educational Officers Detailed Report / Specific remarks 

Memo. No. 1081668/CPR&RD/D2/2020 Dt: 26/11/2021

Sub: CPR&RD - School Education department - Request for self drawing powers to Mandal Educational Officers Detailed Report / Specific remarks submitted - Reg.


1. Govt Memo No. PRR01-PROPPAN/60/2019-ESTT Dt: 04.12.2019
2. G.O.Ms No.350 PR&RD (Mandals.III) dept Dt:03.06.1987.
3. G.O.Ms No. 170 PR & RD (Accts.ii) Dept, Dt:09.05.2002.
4. This office Memo No.1081668/CPR&RD/D2/2020., Dt: 01.09.2020.
5. Govt Memo No. PRR01-PROPPAN/60/2019-ESTT Dt: 01.06.2021

The immediate attention of all District Collectors and Chief Executive Officers Zilla Praja Parishads in the State is invited to the references cited.

In the reference 4th cited, all District Collectors and Chief Executive Officers Zilla Praja Parishads in the State have been requested to furnish the information as desired by the Government. But no information is received from District Collectors and Chief Executive Officers, ZPPs in the State so far. 

In the reference 5th cited Government have again requested to offer specific remarks on the following points:

1. To Issue necessary amendment to G.O.Ms No. 170, PR &RD Dept Dt:09.05.2002 designating the Mandal Educational Officers as self Drawing Officer, duly exempting from the purview of the MPDO.

2. To issue orders duly deleting the post of Mandal Educational Officer vide G.O.Ms No. 350 PR &RD Dept Dt:03.06.1987 (i.e) from the purview of the MPDO, as MEO plays a vital role at Mandal Level for effective academic supervision over schools and also to strengthen the Department.

Therefore, all District Collectors and Chief Executive Officers Zilla Praja Parishads in the State are again requested to furnish the information as desired by the Government immediately, without further delay for onward submission of detailed report to the Government in the matter.

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