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Monday 13 December 2021

AP 11th PRC Report 2021 Download

 AP PRC 2021 Report Download- AP 11th Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has constituted the 11th Pay Revision Commission (PRC), vide the G.O. Ms. No.75, General Administration (SC-A), dated 28-05-2018. The terms of reference (ToRs) of the 11th PRC are as mentioned hereunder.

AP PRC 2021 Report - AP Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights:

Recommendations of 11th PRC - Government Employees:

Pay Scale & Fitment:

a. Retention of the concept of Master Scale with 32 Grades and 83 stages (increase from 81)
b. Evolution of new pay scale by merging 100% of Dearness Allowance (as on 01.07. 2018) with Basic Pay and adding a fitment benefit of 27 % on Basic Pay.

a.        Retention of the concept of Master Scale with 32 Grades and 83 stages (increase from 81)

b.      Evolution of new pay scale by merging 100% of Dearness Allowance (as on 01.07. 2018) with Basic Pay and adding a fitment benefit of 27 % on Basic Pay.

Formulation the Master scale with the following features:

  •  Minimum Pay .20,000/- per month.
  • Maximum Pay in the Master scale . 1,79,000/- p.m.
  • Ratio between Minimum and Maximum of the Scale 1: 8.95.
  • Annual increment to range from 3% of the pay in initial stages to 2.34% at the end.
  • Periodicity of increase in increment is recommended to be 3 years up to stage 72 in the Master Scale
  • Continue grant of stagnation increments beyond time scale up to 5.
  • The new pay scales to come into effect from 1.7.2018.
  • Monetary benefit implementation date left to Government

c. Formulation the Master scale with the following features:
  • i. Minimum Pay ₹.20,000/- per month.
  • ii. Maximum Pay in the Master scale ₹. 1,79,000/- p.m.
  • iii. Ratio between Minimum and Maximum of the Scale 1: 8.95.
  • iv. Annual increment to range from 3% of the pay in initial stages to 2.34% at the end.
  • v. Periodicity of increase in increment is recommended to be 3 years up to stage 72 in the Master Scale
  • vi. Continue grant of stagnation increments beyond time scale up to 5.
  • vii. The new pay scales to come into effect from 1.7.2018.
  • viii. Monetary benefit implementation date left to Government
Major Allowances

a. Dearness Allowance:
Recommended a conversion factor of 0.91 for sanction of DA from 1.1.2019 for every 1 % increase in DA sanctioned by the Government of India

b. House Rental Allowance:
HRA may be allowed at the following rates
(i) @ 30% of basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.26,000/- p.m. for employees shifting from Hyderabad on bifurcation of State.
(ii) @ 22% of pay basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.22,500/- p.m. in cities with population above 10 lakh
(iii) @ 20% of pay basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.20,000/- p.m. in cities with population of above 2 lakh and up to 10 lakh.
(iv) @ 14.5% of pay basic pay subject to a ceiling of ₹.20,000/- p.m. in cities with population of above 50,000 and up to 2 lakh
(v) Rest of the employees @12% subject to a limit of ₹.17,000 p.m.

The Commission however does not concur to the view of certain sections of employees that the same rate of HRA should be allowed for the staff recruited/ posted newly after shifting of the capital, since such employees have faced no unexpected disruption and have joined at Amaravati with full knowledge of all the extant service conditions;
b) Additional HRA in lieu of rent free accommodation is retained at 8 % of basic pay, but the monetary ceiling is recommended to be increased from ₹.2,000/- to ₹.2,600/-p.m.

Committee of Secretaries recommends to adopt the HRA slabs being followed by Government of India (7th Central Pay Commission) as presented below:

• Employees in cities having a population up to 5 lakh: 8% of basic pay
• Employees in cities having a population from 5 to 50 lakh: 16% of basic pay
• Employees in cities having a population more than 50 lakh: 24% of basic pay

c. City Compensatory Allowance: Recommended two slab rates, one for Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada and the second for the 12 other Municipal Corporations. The quantum of allowance is increased for all the pay ranges (Municipal Corporations of Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada ₹400-1000 and other Municipal Corporations ₹,300-750

AAS Automatic Advancement Scales:
  • 1th PRC Report   à°ª్à°°à°•ాà°°à°®ు Present AAS Continue à°…à°—ుà°¨ు. à°…à°¯ిà°¤ే 24 Yrs  Scale à°¨ు ఇకపై SPP-IIA/ SAPP-II A à°—ా à°®ాà°°్చబడినది. 
  • Promotion à°°ాà°•ుంà°¡ా à°’à°•ే Post à°²ో 30 à°¸ంవత్సరాà°²ు పనిà°šేà°¸్à°¤ే SPP- II B/ SAPP-IIB  à°ª్à°°à°¤్à°¯ేà°• Scale ఇవ్వబడినది.
Pensionary Benefits:

11th PRC Recommendation: In respect of pensionary benefits our recommendations are the following:

  • To consolidate pension/family pension with dearness relief as on 1.7.2018. 27% of the basic pension/family pension is to be treated as fitment benefit.
  • To continue the existing provision of full pension after 33 years of qualifying service with 5 years of service Similarly, no change is recommended in the formula for fixation of pension/family pension.
  • A revised scale of additional quantum of pension starting from 70 years of age has been suggested
  • If a government servant dies while in service, enhanced family pension is recommended to be paid to his dependants for a period of up to 10 years without any upper age In case of death after retirement the enhanced family pension should be payable for a period of seven years or up to the date on which he would have attained 67 years, had he survived, whichever is earlier.
  • The conditions of 45 years age limit in respect of unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughter of family pensioners may be rescinded and the stipulation regarding having children may be altered so as to exclude widowed/divorced daughter having a child who has attained 25 years of age or started
  • To allow Dearness Relief on both the basic pensions (Service and Family) received by the same
  • The quantum  of  minimum  pension/  family  pension  is  recommended  to  be  increased  to
  • ₹.10000/- p.m.
  • The maximum amount of Gratuity payable at the time of retirement is recommended to be enhanced from ₹.12 lakh to ₹.16
  • The maximum limit for Death Relief amount on the death of a service pensioner/ family pensioner is recommended to be enhanced to ₹.20,000/-.
  • The financial assistance is recommended to be increased to the level of minimum service pension/family pension (₹.10,000 per month) with dearness relief thereon after 1.7.2018.

The existing ceiling limit of commutation at 40% of basic pension and provision regarding restoration of commuted portion of pension after 15 years should be continued.

Other Category of Employees
a. Contract: Recommended minimum of the time scale, in the now revised pay scale b. Outsourcing: Recommended new pay which is an enhancement of 30% in each of the existing category.

c. Home Guards: Daily Allowance at the rate of 1/30th of the Minimum Pay (in the Revised Pay Scale recommended in this report for the Police Constables) plus Dearness Allowance thereon at the rates applicable to the Government employees from time to time.

d. Full-time Contingent/Daily Wage/ Consolidated Pay/NMR employees: Enhanced to 20,000+DA

  • a. Pay Scale: Make the Revised Master Scale comprising of 32 Grades and 83 stages, applicable to the PTD employees also.
  • b. Assignment of equivalent Government Pay Scales: Assigning a corresponding revised pay scale to each category of PTD employee. Assign the Special Grade Post Pay Scale and Special Promotion Post Scale I-B/ Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B (under the Automatic Advancement Scheme-AAS) corresponding to the RPS 2018 scale assigned by this Commission against the basic post held by the employee in APSRTC RPS-2017
Pay Scales 11th PRC Recommendation:
  • a) The Master Scale concept is retained with 32 Grades and 83 stages (increased from 81 stages). The Master scale is formulated with the following features:
  • i. Annual increment to range from 3% of the pay in initial stages to 2.34% at the end.
  • ii. Periodicity of increase in increment is recommended to be 3 years up to stage 72 in the Master Scale, 4 years for stage 73-80 and 2 years thereafter.
  • b) The New Pay Scale is evolved by merging 100% of Dearness Allowance (as on 01-07- 2018) with Basic Pay and adding the fitment benefit.
  • c) The ‘Minimum Pay’ for the lowest paid employee is to be ₹.20,000/- per month.
  • d) The ‘Maximum Pay’ in the Master scale is worked out to Rs1,79,000/- p.m. which represents a Maximum to Minimum ratio of 8.95.
  • e) In the event of stagnation in pay scale, grant of up to 5 stagnation increments is recommended.
  • f) The Master Scale structure recommended is as follows:
20000-600-21800-660-23780-720-25940--780-28280-850-30830-920-33590-990-36560- 1080-39800-1170-43310-1260-47090-1350-51140-1460-55520-1580-60260-1700- 65360-1830-70850-1960-76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390-96890-2540-104510- 2700-112610-2890-121280-3100-130580-3320-140540-3610-154980-3900-170580- 4210-179000 (83 stages)
Date of Effect of New Pay Scale 11th PRC recommendation: 

The new pay scales may come into effect from 1-7-2018. Government may however take a view regarding the date from which the monetary benefit would accrue keeping in view its resource position and the various demands thereon.

Observations/recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries: The Committee recommends the following on Date of effect of New Pay Scale,

a) The Revised Pay Scales 2021 (RPS 2021) may be implemented w.e.f. 1-7-2018 as recommended by the 11th PRC.
b) The Revised Pay Scales for PTD employees (erstwhile APSRTC employees) may be implemented w.e.f. 01-01-2020.
c) The monetary benefit may be implemented w.e.f. 01-10-2022 i.e. salary for the month of October 2022 payable in November 2022.
d) No arrears will accrue since the Interim Relief will continue to be paid till the implementation of the monetary benefit.

11th PRC Report highlights:
  • Master scale: 20000-179000
  • Fitment: PRC Recommented@27% But secretaries  Committee Recommends: 14.29%
  • effect dt:1.7.2018
  • Monetary benefit as Per CS: 1.1.2022
  • Payment month: 1.10.2022
  • DA  Conversion formula @0.91% wef 1.1.2019
  • HRA: 30%,22℅,20%,14.5%, 12%
  • Child care leave: 180 days
  • Ph: Add 7 spl cla
  • Medical Allowance: Rs500
  • Death relief: Rs20000
  • Conveyance Allowance: Rs 2000PM
  • Minimum pension: Rs 10000
  • Death cum Retirement Gratuity : Rs16lakhs
  • AAS: No information
  • Health cards to all 

Download AP 11th PRC Report 2021
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