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Friday 31 December 2021

100 days reading campaign guidelines, week wise action plan

100 days reading campaign from Balvatika to class VIII - guidelines, Week wise Action Plan

Conduct of 100 days reading campaign from Balvatika to class VIII

 Rc.No.SS-15022/10/2021/SIEMAT, dt.31/12/2021

Sub: Department of School Education- Samagra Shiksha – Andhra Pradesh Conduct of 100 days reading campaign from Balvatika to class VIII from January to April,2022 in all schools under all managements - Orders Issued.


1. Mail received from Anitha Karwal , IAS, Secretary, DoSEL, Ministry of Education, GoI, New Delhi dt: 09-12-2021. 

2. D.O Lr.No.18-91/2021/IS-15, dt.28.12.2021 of the Joint Secretary, DoES& L, New Delhi.

 All the District Educational Ofcers & Ex-Ofcio Project Coordinators, Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and the Principals of DIETs in the State are informed that the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has decided to implement 100 day Reading campaign for classes Balvatika to VIII for improving reading skills among the students.

In view of the above, they are informed that Samagra Shiksha, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has decided to implement the 100 day READ (Read Enjoy and Develop) campaign in all the schools under all managements from Pre primary classes to VIII from January,2022 to April, 2022 in the State.

In this regard, all the District Educational Ofcers and Ex -Ofcio Project coordinators, Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIETs in the State are informed to launch the 100 day READ campaign at District level on 06.01.2022 and also to instruct the Mandal Educational Ofcers to launch the campaign at mandal level and and in all schools under all managements. They are requested to see that the programme is implemented efectively for 100 days and they are requested to upload the Photographs, testimonials, short videos on programme in the Google tracker. The link for tracker will be intimated very soon. The detail guidelines are herewith annexed.

100 day READ campaign Guidelines January 2022 to April 2022

The Deportment of School Eduction and Literacy, Ministry of Education, GoI has decided to launch a inintiative “ 100 days Reading Campaign “ with the objective of NIPUN Bharat. FLN mission stated that the ‘’Learning gap in non chievers is only becuse of those who are unable to read and comprehend the given text’’. It is fact that reding is the fundamental condition to students as life long lerners. If we inculcate habit of reading from formative years, they will become indipendent readers and lay down a strong foundtion for life long lerning. NEP-2020 further emphasises that the highest priority must be to achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy in primary schools. Children who read often become better learners, which leads to success in school and other ares of life.

In view of the above Samagra Shiksha, Govt of Andhra Pradesh is decided to launch the 100 day READ (Read Enjoy and Develope) campaign in all the schools under all managements for the classes III to VIII in the Stat


  • To achieve sustainable Development Goals Effective communicators and Involved learners 
  • To promote reading habit among students right from balvatika
  • To make childrens independent readers and life long learners
  •  To utilise libraries at an optimum extent.  

Target Group: Children studying balvatika to Class VIII are the target group for READ programme. They are devided into 3 groups Group 1: Balvatika to Class II Group 2: Class III to Class V Group 3: Class VI to Class VIII 

Duration & Strategy: 100 dy READ campaign is a 14 weeks (100 days) programme starting from January 2022 to April 2022. One activity per week should be done by children which is focus on making reading enjoyable. Group wise activities are designed for achieving the targeted outcomes.

 Services from: Families, Schools, Local Self Governments, Civil Society Organaisations, College students, working professionals, Employees, Celebrities and all Stakeholders of the department services are required to reach children for promoting reding campaign.

Activities to be conducted:

  • Conduct of online orientation to all RJDSEs DEOs,APCs, Sectoral officers of SS, DIET faculty, Dy.E.Os,MEOs,CRPs and all teachers. 
  • Launch of 100 READ campign like a festival at state, District, mandal and school levels duly inviting public representatives 
  • Development of zingles /video films with famous personalities on importance of habit of reading through SIET 
  • Development of audio/ vedio messages (There are more than 400 personalities like poets, scientists, mathemticians, freedom fighters, historins etc, were introduced in our textbooks from class 1 to 10. Prepare digital/physical book on these personalities) in coordination with SCERT 
  • Communicate guidelines for DEOs and APCs of Samagra Shiksha for conduct of International Mother Tongue Day on 22-02-2022 
  • Communicate guidelines for DEOs and APCs of Samagra Shiksha conduct of Reading melas and Reading festivals  Create story telling repository on Diksha plotform. 
  • Organize ‘READATHON’ on the lines of Toycathon 
  • Awareness Drive: Press releases, Social media campaign, infographics, etc. 
  • Story telling by Hon’ble Education Minister, State Ministers, Chief Ministers, State Education Ministers, etc. in regional languages GUIDELINES ON READING CAMPAIGN 
  • Webinars on the importance of reading 
  • Video/Audio message from Children book writers 
  • Reading Aloud of stories by teachers as well as community members in regional languages 
  • Partnership with CSOs, FM channels, Newspapers (local and regional)

International Mother Tongue Day: Conduct International Mother Tongue Day in all schools on 22-02-2022. On this occation ‘మన à°­ాà°·à°²ో à°•à°¥ à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¦ాం’ programme should be conducted

Resources: All school may be utilised resources like School libraries, Public libraries, Book deposite centers, Book donation camps, NCERT, NBT, CLIL books, Websites like , , etc Documentation: State has to prepare a Google tracker for uploading of activities related to 100 READ campaign in the form of shot videos, photos, testimonials, other activities. Period allotment: To implement 100 days Reading campaign in schools (Classes III to VIII) certain periods may be alloted in the regular timetable without deviating regular school activities as mentioned in the academic calendar . The objectives of We Love Reading, No Bag Day, FLN and 100 days Reading campaign are almost similar. 

Suggested period allotment is as follows:


Period-1 - 9.15 to 9.55 :  Subject I

Period-2 - 10.00 to 10.35 :  Subject II 

Period-3 - 10.45 to 11.20 : Subject III

Period-4 - 11.25 to 12.00 : Subject IV

Period-5 - 1.00 to 1.35 : Language Lab

Period-6 - 1.35 to 2. 10 : FLN 100 day reading campaign language activities

Period-7 - 2.20 to 2.55 :  FLN 100 day reading campaign Mathematics activities

Period-8 -
2.55 to 3.30 : Games and recreation


Period-1 - 9:15 to 10:00: Subject I

Period-2 - 10:05 to 10:45: Subject II

Period-3 - 10:55 to 11:35: Subject III

Period-4 - 11:35 to 12:15: Subject IV

Period-5 - 01.05 to 01.45: Subject V

Period-6 - 01:50 to 02:30: FLN 100 day reading campaign  language activities

Period-7 - 02:40 to 03:20: FLN 100 day reading campaign Mathematics activities

Period-8 - 03:20 to 04:00: Subject VI


Download proceedings

100 days reading campaign Guidelines

FLN week wise action plan download

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