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Thursday 11 November 2021

Observance of Protocol and other courtesies to the Chairperson/Members of the AP State Commissioner of Backward Classes

Observance of Protocol in any State functions

 MEMO.No.ESE02-15021/114/2021-EST 5-CSE Dt: 11/11/2021

Sub: - School Education - PROTOCOL - Observance of Protocol and other courtesies to the Chairperson/Members of the AP State Commissioner of Backward Classes, under State Warrant of Precedence - Instructions –Issued- Reg

Ref: Memo.No.1545815/ Pro.A/2021 dated: 28.10.2021 along with enclosures.

While enclosing a copy of the Govt. Memo in the reference cited to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are requested to follow the instructions accordingly in the matter.


Memo No.1545815/Pro.A/2021

Sub:    PROTOCOL-  Observance of  Protocol  and  other  courtesies   to the Chairperson/Members  of the AP State Commission for Backward    Classes,   under   State   Warrant    of   Precedence  - Instructions  -  Reg.


1) G.O.Ms.59, GA(Pro.A)  Department,  Dated.11.04.2018
2)  From the  Member  Secretary,   AP State  Commission for BCs,Vijayawada letter   in Rc.No.APSCBCIC/98/2021,  Dated 20.10.2021  received  on 26.10.2021.

A copy  of the  reference   1st cited  is enclosed  herewith.

2.  All  the   Officers/Departments    mentioned    in  the   address   entry   are once  requested   to  scrupulously  follow   the  instructions   already   issued   in the    reference     1st   cited,    for    extending     appropriate    courtesies     viz., reception,     accommodation,    transportation    and    security     etc.,    to    Sri A.Shankar     Narayana,     Chairperson   of   the   AP   State    Commission   for Backward   Classes,   Vijayawada   under   rank   Article      17 and   under   rank Article      -23 to  the   Members   of  the  AP State   Commission  for  Backward Classes  of  the   State   Warrant    of  Precedence, during   their   visits   to  the Districts  and to A.P. Bhavan,  New Delhi

Download DSE Memo | Download Govt. Memo & G.O.Ms.59

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