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Friday 8 October 2021

Representations / Grievances Protocol Guidelines / Instructions / Orders

Memo Rc.No:161/A&I/2020, Dated: 08/10/2021

Sub: School Education - Political Addressing representations / grievances related to official / public purpose of recently appointed Chairmen and Directors / Members of Corporations at State and District level received by the District Collectors concerned authorities Disposal of - Certain instructions - Issued.


Govt. Circular Memo.No.1517831/Poll.A/2021, Dated:23.09.2021 from the General Administration (Political-A) Dept., GOAP.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference cited and informed that, the Government appointed/filled the nominated posts at State. Regional and District level with a tenure of (2) years. Further, with regard to disposal of representations/ grievances related to official/ public purpose of recently appointed Chairmen and Directors / Members of Corporations at State and District, Government have decided the following

"On receipt of the representations/grievances related to Official/Public purpose of the Department concerned from the recently appointed Chairmen/Directors/Members, the District Collectors/ the Authorities concerned shall look into the same personally, on priority.

In view of the above, the RJDSES and DEOS are requested to strictly adhere to the Protocol Guidelines / Instructions / Orders already issued from time to time in this regard and also requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Deputy Educational Officers/ Mandal Educational Officers to follow the same in their respective divisions/mandals without fail.

These instructions should follow scrupulously. Any violation of these orders will be viewed seriously, warranting stern action against the erring officials.

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