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Friday 6 August 2021

INSPIRE MANAK Awards 2020-2021 using the Online District Exhibition MANAK Competition APP

INSPIRE MANAK Awards 2020-2021 using the Online District Exhibition MANAK Competition Application

Proc.Rc.ESE02/595/2021-SCERT Dt:05/08/2021

School Education - SCERT, AP. Amaravati - INSPIRE Awards under MANAK Programme Online District Exhibition 2020-2021 - Regarding.


1. DST Letter No. 1/19/2019-IAMI dated 25th March 2021 
2. Letter from Sri. Mahesh Patel, National Innovation Coordinator Scientist G Outward No.133194 Dt. 26/07/2021.

All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the online nominations for INSPIRE Awards MANAK Programme for the current year 2020-2021 have to be planned and conducted online DLEPCs and for the FY 2020-21 using the "MANAK Competition APP"

Hence, all District Educational Officers are requested to disseminate same to all the headmasters, science teachers through the District Nodal Officers (DNOS) to prepare

a) timeline (30-45 days) giving students time for developing their projects and thereafter 

b) uploading their ideas/innovations details (Video/Photos/Audio) on the MANAK Competition App. This timeline may be decided upon considering the local pandemic conditions. 

This timeline may be communicated to school authorities early, so that the schools/students are aware of the time available for developing projects and uploading details.

This should be treated as Most Important.

Download Proceedings | MANAK Competition APP

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