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Tuesday 24 August 2021

Fixation of fee structure for two years Intermediate Course of AP Private Un-Aided Junior Colleges

INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION - Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory & Monitoring Commission - Fixation of fee structure for two (2) years Intermediate Course of  Private Un-Aided Junior Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the block period from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Notification Orders Issued G.O Ms. No. 54 Dated 24-08-2021.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 7 of Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983), Government hereby notify the following fee structure of two years Intermediate Course of Private Un-Aided Junior Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the block period from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 and 2023 2024:

The Composite Tuition / Annual Fee of Junior Colleges including Prospectus & Registration, Admission fee, Examination fee and Refundable charges etc., all put together are fixed as under: -

(a). In the Junior Colleges situated in Gram Panchayats, the maximum fee collectible shall be Rs.15,000/- per annum for MPC and BIPC groups and Rs.12,000/- per annum for non- Science - Maths groups such as CEC, HEC;

(b). In the Junior Colleges situated in Municipalities, the fee collectible shall be Rs.17,500/- per maximum fee annum for MPC and Bi.PC groups and Rs.15,000/- per annum for non Science Maths groups such as CEC, HEC; and 

(c). In the Junior Colleges situated in Municipal Corporations, the maximum fee collectible shall be Rs.20,000/- per annum for MPC and Bi.PC groups and Rs.18,000/ per annum for non Science Maths groups such as CEC, HEC.

This fee is inclusive of  Registration, Tuition Fee, Prospectus and Fee, Admission Fee, Examination Fee, Laboratory Fee, Sports Fee, Computer Laboratory Fee, Library Fee, Extracurricular activities fee, Student Welfare Fund, Student Health Care Scheme, Study Tour, Alumni and any other similar fee related to academics; In addition to the above, a student is expected to pay optional fee components such as Transportation charges, hostel charges (boarding and lodging charges) if he / she opts for the same;


Some of the day scholars who do not stay in the hostel and to avail transportation facility commute everyday opt to provided by the management. In such a case, the transportation charges shall be collected @ Rs.1.20 per km. per annum. 


Many children coming from long distances would like to stay in the hostel if a facility is provided by the institution.

(a). In the Junior Colleges situated in Gram Panchayats, the maximum hostel (Boarding and Lodging) charges collectible shall be Rs.18,000/- per annum;

(b). In the Junior Colleges situated in Municipalities, the maximum hostel (Boarding and Lodging) charges collectible shall be Rs.20,000/- per annum; and

(c) In the Junior Colleges situated in Municipal Corporations, the maximum hostel (Boarding and Lodging) charges collectible shall be Rs.24,000/- per annum.

Download Fee structure in Junior Colleges G.O Copy

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