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Tuesday 3 August 2021

AGRICET 2021 Notification, Schedule, Syllabus, Fee Payment, Online Application


Applications are invited from the Diploma Holders in Agriculture, Seed Technology and Organic Farming for Admission into Four Years B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Degree Programme through AGRICET-2021 to be (held during First Week of September for the Academic Year, 2021-22. For further Details and Instructions, Please Visit University Website:


1. Hall Ticket must be carried at the Test Center and also in examination hall. Failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear for the test. 
2. The test is of 1½ hours duration. The date and time are indicated on the Hall ticket. Candidates should reach the test center in time. Candidates will be allowed into the examination hall half an hour before the scheduled starting time. Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall after the test has started and will not be permitted to leave examination hall before the closure of test time under any circumstances. 
3. The candidate has to follow meticulously all the instructions given on the question paper booklet, else his/her answer sheet may not be valued. 
4. The test will be of objective type with multiple-choice questions with only one answer being correct among the four alternatives suggested. 
5. Carrying of calculators, Log Tables, Cell Phones, any other electronic gadgets and loose papers into the examination hall is strictly prohibited. 
6. If the photograph/Signature is missing or blurred or invisible on Hall Ticket, paste your passport size photograph & sign in prescribed area duly attested by Gazetted Officer, and a Xerox copy of the same is to be handed over to the invigilator. Further they are required to produce any one personal identity such as AADHAR CARD or VOTER ID card or PAN CARD or DRIVING LICENSE. 
7. Inform the Candidates that “Adoption of any kind of unfair means and act of impersonation at the test will render the candidate liable for invalidation of his/her answer script. Further, he/she will forfeit the claim of appearing for further test and will make him/her liable for prosecution”.

AGRICET 2021 Important Dates Schedule:

Activity Date & Time
Notification of AGRICET 2021 24-07-2021
Commencement of submission of Online application form 29-07-2021
Last date of submission of Online application form (without late fee) 13-08-2021
Last date of submission of application form with late fee 17-08-2021
Edit option of online application data already submitted by the candidate 19-08-2021 to 20-08-2021
Hard Copies to reach Convenor, AGRICET-2021 25-08-2021
Downloading of Hall-Tickets from website: 26-08-2021 to 30-08-2021
AGRICET 2021 - Examination 13-09-2021
Time of Examination 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
Download  AGRICET 2021 User Guide | Syllabus
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