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Monday 19 July 2021

Regularization of 14 days quarantine / treatment period for the Teachers/Employees who were affected COVID 19 Positive

Memo.No.151-A&I-2020 Dated:18/07/2021

Sub: School Education - COVID-19 Pandemic - Regularization of mandatory quarantine/treatment (14 days) period for the Teachers/Employees who were affected COVID 19 Positive - Request to treat the absence period as Special Casual Leave - Regarding. 


1) This office Lr.Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated:-15.04.2021. 
2) G.O.Ms.No.45, Finance (HR.IV-FL&LR) Dept., Dt:05.07.2021.
3) Govt.Memo.No.1403571/General/A1/2021-1, Dated:09.07.2021 from the School Education (General) Dept., GOAP.

While communicating a copy of the ref 2nd & 3rd cited, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take necessary action for regularization of hospitalization/ quarantine period of teachers/employees who were affected personally or his/her family members due to COVID 19 positive in accordance with the orders issued by the Government.

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