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Tuesday 22 June 2021

Aadhaar services through the AP Sachivalayam VS&WS - Guidelines

Aadhaar services Aadhaar enrolment, Mandatory Biometric Update along with Demographic Updates, Biometric Update, Demographic update, Download and colour print of Aadhaar in AP Grama Ward Sachivalayms Secretariats through the V&WS

Rc.NoITC02-13026/8/2021-TECH-ESD, Dt:21/06/2021

Sub: GVWV&VSWS Department - Aadhaar services through the V&WS - Guidelines issued –-- reg.


1. G.O.Ms. No. 156, Dt: 21.12.2019 of GA (Cabinet-2) Department.
2. F.No.4(4)/57/177/2013/E&U/Vol-II, from UIDAI dt:05.08.2020
3. K-11015/07/2011-UIDAI(AP)/994, dt:05.01.2021.
4. F.No.4(4)/57/372/2016/E&U-I from UIDAI, dt:09.05.2020


The Government vide 1st cited, have created separate department for effective monitoring of the service Delivery mechanism functioning through 15,004 village and ward secretariats in the state vide G.O.Ms. No. 156, Dt: 21.12.2019 of GA (Cabinet-2) Department.

The UIDAI vide 2nd cited have registered the department of the Grama Volunteer ward volunteer and Village Secretariat ward secretariat department (GVWV&VSWSD) as the Enrollment Agency duly issuing an EA Code as 2935 under

the registrar code 816 and vide 3rd cited sanctioned an amount of Rs.2.50 crore to Government of Andhra Pradesh as advance tranche towards ICT Assistance for procurement of Aadhaar Enrolment Kits to the Commissioner Gram/Ward Volunteer and Village/Ward Secretariat.

Hence, the Director, GVWV&VSWS have procured 250 kits initially and distributed to the feld through the JC, VSWS of the District. The balance 250 kits will also be procured and will be distributed shortly.

Further the UIDAI vide 4th cited, have prescribed the user charges for various types of services delivered which are as follows:

Table A:

In this context, the user charges collected for each transaction of Aadhaar is proposed distributing among the following stake holders as follows:

Table B:

The user charges share may be utilized as follows:
A. Secretariat level Utilization:
1. Up gradation/ purchase/installation of computers /peripherals/minor repairs/ AMC charges to deliver e-Governance related services.
2. Digitization of data /Data entry/ Printing/Updation/ Scanning to improve the delivery of citizen services.
3. Connectivity/ networking/internet monthly charges pertaining to delivery of eGov related services
4. Towards purchase of stationery, computer consumables (Cartridges, toner) and expenditure on Internet.
5. Repairs and maintenance of computers/computer rooms/UPS/Batteries/Fuel, lubricants, maintenance & spares for Generators.
6. Expenditure on Freight/Courier/Post & Stamps/ Fax
7. Printing, Binding, Publishing of Forms etc.

B. JC-development & VSWS office Utilization:
1. Maintenance and Monitoring of the functioning of the Aadhaar services in the secretariats such as conducting trainings and refreshment trainings.
2. Travel allowances for officers visiting the Aadhaar centers
3. Towards purchase of stationery, computer consumables (Cartridges, toner) and expenditure on Internet.
4. Repairs and maintenance of computers/computer rooms/UPS/Batteries/Fuel, lubricants, maintenance & spares for Generators.

C. HOD utilization:
1. Maintenance of the technical teams related to Aadhaar services.
2. Conducting training/Capacity building/awareness programmes related to e-Governance and IT related projects.
3. Travel allowances for officers visiting the Aadhaar centers.
4. Towards purchase of stationery, computer consumables (Cartridges, toner) and expenditure on Internet.
5. Repairs and maintenance of computers/computer rooms/UPS/Batteries/Fuel, lubricants, maintenance & spares for Generators.

Hence, the collected funds from the feld shall be deposited in the pool account opened exclusively for the Aadhaar and CSC Operation in the Village and Ward Secretariats in the form of a challan by the Digital Assistant and Ward Education and Data Processing Secretary at the end of each transacting day which is in practice presently for the GSWS services. The Account details are as follows:
Account number: 50200058748307

Account holder name: Commissioner & Director GVWV&VSWS Department
IFSC Code: HDFC0000109

Also, it is to inform you that the amount will be reimbursed to the stake holder accounts on a monthly basis as mentioned in the table B above. All the Joint Collectors concerned are requested to monitor the Aadhaar and Common Service Centre service activities in the Village and Ward Secretariats regulary for better service delivery to the citizens.

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