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Friday 22 January 2021

Enhancement of Monthly Subscription for both Employees / Pensioners and Government contribution - Amendment - Orders

Health, Medical & Family Welfare - Medical Reimbursement Employees Health Scheme - Enhancement of Monthly Subscription for both Employees / Pensioners and Government contribution - Amendment - Orders- Issued. 

G.O.MS.No. 5 Dated: 22-01-2021 

Read the following:

1) G.O.Ms.No.54, HM&FW(1.1) Dept., dt: 06.05.2020. 2) From the Chairman, AP JAC, Amaravati, Letter dated.07.05.2020.
3) From the Finance (FMU-HM&FW) Dept, U.O.Note No.FINO1-FMUOMISC/516/2019-FMU-HM&FW,Dt.04.08.2020.


In the G.0.1 read above, the Government issued orders among theother things for enhancement of monthly contribution share of the Employees and Government towards Employees Health Scheme with an instruction that the enhancement should be applied with effect from the salaries/Pensions payable to the Employees / Pensioners from the month of December, 2019.

2. Government after re-examination of the matter and in partial modification of the orders issued in the G.O. 1st read above, hereby order that the enhancement monthly contribution share of the Employees and Government towards Employees Health Scheme should be applied with effect from the salaries/Pensions payable to the Employees / Pensioners from the month of May, 2020 payable in June 2020 i.e. with prospective effect of the G.O. instead of from the month of December, 2019.

3. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust and the Director Treasuries and Accounts shall take necessary immediate action in this matter.

4. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance U.0.Note.No. FINO1- FMUOMISC/516/2019-FMU-HM&FW,Dt.04.08.2020.

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