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Monday 7 December 2020

AP Model Schools - VI Class to IX Class and Intermediate 1st Year admissions 2020-21 - Filling of left over seats and enhancement of 25% seats - Guidelines

Rc.No.206/B1/APMS/2019 Date:06/12/2020 School Education - Model Schools - VI Class to IX Class and Intermediate 1st Year admissions during Academic Year 2020-21 - Filling of left over seats and enhancement of 25% seats into AP Model Schools - Certain guidelines - Issued- Reg.

1 G.O.Ms No.17 School Education (Prog.1) Department, dated 11-02-2013.
2 G.O.Ms. No.40 School Education (Prog.1) Department, dated 07-06-2016.
3 G.O.Ms.No.32, School Education (Prog-1) Department, dated 29-06-2020.
4 This office Proc.Rc.Even No, Dated 3-7-2020
5 Govt. Memo no ESE01-SEDM0CSE Dt 28-07-2020.
6 Lr.Rc.No.358/G1/APMS/2020, dated 05-10-2020 of the District Educational Officer, Prakasam.
7 This Office Lr.Rc.No.206/B1/APMS/2019, Dated:20.11.2020 addressed to the Government.
8 Govt. Memo No. ESE01-SEDNOCSE(MS)/4/Prog.I/2020, Dated:04-12-2020.

The attention of all the Principals of A.P. Model Schools in the State is invited to the reference 8th read above (copy enclosed), wherein Government have accorded permission to take up 25% excess admissions on the sanctioned strength of each class and to fill up the left over seats in
the classes VI, VII, VIII, IX and Intermediate Courses by First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis, without any additional requirement of teachers and any financial burden to the Government.

Further the Government have requested to take expeditious action to frame the requisite guidelines for filling up of these 25 % excess seats over the sanctioned strength duly considering the norms and rule of reservation.

In view of the above, the Principals of A.P. Model Schools in the State are hereby requested to follow guidelines issued hereunder for filling up of seats in VI to Intermediate 1st Year without any deviation.

1. Give First priority to the students who applied for admission into VI and Intermediate First Year through online.
2. Fill the seats in VI and Intermediate First Year by First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis after exhausting the online applications.
3. Follow the rule of reservation while filling up the seats by First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis.
4. Fill the seats in VI to IX not to exceed 100 seats per class and without any additional requirement of teachers and any financial burden to the Government.
5. Fill the seats in all groups i.e., M.P.C., Bi.P.C., M.E.C. and C.E.C. in Intermediate First Year not exceeding 100 seats.
6. Submit compliance report to the joint director model schools after filling up of seats in VI to IX and Intermediate First Year through the concerned District Educational Officers.

Further, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to submit a consolidated report in the above matter immediately so as to enable to submit a final report to the Government.

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