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Friday 20 November 2020

2.5 CLS for November & December, 2020 only. No SCLs / OHs Clarification issued

Memo. No.151/A&I/2020,Dated:20/11/2020 Sub: School Education - COVID-19 - Instructions issued with regard to utilization of leave to teachers in respect of re-opening of Schools from 2nd November, 2020 - Certain clarification issued - Regarding. 


1) This office Circular.Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated:12.10.2020.
2) Lr.No.79/DTF-AP/2020, Dated:29-10-2020 of the office bearers of DTF AP., Vijayawada. 
3) Lr.No.183/STUAP/2020, Dated:04-11-2020 of the office bearers of STUAP., Vijayawada.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the ref 1st cited, wherein instructions were issued to the field level functionaries that, not less than 50% teachers should attend daily to their schools. Teaching staff should utilize their availability of leave on proportionate basis instead of being utilized on regular basis. However, if any teacher wants to utilize their leave on the working day, the individual is to be sanctioned on proportionate basis for the months of November & December, 2020. (l.e., maximum 2 Y C.Ls only).

However, several representations have clarification on various leaves as follows:

1.With regard to Casual Leaves (CLs), 2.5 days for one month or two months:

 In the above circular it is clearly Casual leaves maximum 2.5 CLS for November & December, 2020

2.With regard Special Casual leaves SCLs and 5 days of women and OHs:

 No Special Casual leaves / OHs to be entertained.Casual for all teachers and the above 2.5 CLs only may be claimed from the available CLs / SCLs. The objective is to ensure that the students would not miss the presence of the teachers as much as possible in view of the meagre number of working days available after the reopening of the schools.  

3. If any teacher suffering with COVID? - He/she can apply for medical leave

In this context, all the under mentioned officers are hereby requested to issue instructions to the filed level functionaries that teaching staff should utilize their leave on the above said manner only.

Download Clarification order
Download Leaves Revised clarifications

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