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Saturday 3 October 2020

UDISE Data 2019-20Verification - Instructions, Teams, Schedule Rc.No. 634/APSERMC/2020

School Education - APSERMC - UDISE Data-2019-20 -  Requested to verify the UDISE data 2019-20 Certain instructions issued to the respective Inspecting Officers - Regarding Rc.No. 634/APSERMC/2020, Dated: 01.10.2020

  In exercise to the powers vested with the AP School Education Regulatory & Monitoring Commission as per Section 9 of Act 21 of 2019 (APSERMC) and rule 7 (i) of G.O.Ms.No.28, School Education (PS) Department, Dated:28.05.2020 and also in consultation with the Director of School Education, A.P it is decided to verify the availability of teaching staff, infrastructure facilities and also other details as furnished in the UDISE in phased manner by forming teams duly utilizing the services of Head Masters Grade II (who is a gazetted officer) Teachers, Primary school Grade II HM/School Assistant, Village/Ward welfare assistant, Village/Ward Engineering Assistant of local Village ward / Secretariat.

The schedule of verification is as follows:

Role of Verification Team:

a) He/she shall download the UDISE+ Data Capture Format (DCF) of all schools in his/her jurisdiction.

b) He/she shall constitute a team consisting of three members:

For High School:

Grade II Head master (1), SG Teacher (1), Village/Ward Welfare Assistant (1) Village/Ward Engineering Assistant (1)

For Primary School:

Grade II HM (1)/School Assistant (1) Village / Ward welfare assistant (1), Village/Ward Engineering Assistant (1)

for verification of the UDISE+ data of the schools. (Inspecting Authority can constitute n No.of teams based on the no.of schools in his/her jurisdiction)

c) The Head Master, School Assistant and SG Teacher should not be belonging to the same Mandal. d) He/she shall prepare a schedule (day-wise/team-wise) for covering all schools in his/her jurisdiction for timely completion of work and effective utilization of staff in a zig-zag manner.

e) Teams should take all UDISE+ Data Capture Format (DCF) of respective schools from the Inspecting Officers and verify the submitted data carefully.

f) Verification report format will be made available in concerned inspecting officers login in the commission website and the same shall be uploaded in online.

g) The Inspecting officer along with the team members are to be signed in the verification report and the same will be uploaded.

h) The entire process shall be completed in the given specified timelines.

Further, Inspecting Officers and teams shall strictly follow the preventive and precautionary measures issued by the Gol and State Government from time to time to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education, District Educational Officer and Additional Project Coordinator in the state are requested to issue necessary directions to all the field functionaries to adhere to the above instructions without fail.

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