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Saturday 31 October 2020

Standard Operation Procedure / Guidelines for serving Mid-Day Meal & School Sanitation

Memo. Rc.No. ESE02-27021/164/2020-MDM  Dt.31/10/2020 AP-School Education - Amaravati Standard Operation Procedure / Guidelines for serving Mid-Day Meal & School Sanitation in the Schools - Instructions - issued - Communicated - Regarding.

Ref:- Standard Operation Procedure/Guidelines for serving Mid-Day Meal & School Sanitation in the Schools issued by Government of India & Government of AP.

The attention of the District Educational Officers is invited that, the reopening of the schools is scheduled from November 2nd onwards. In this regard, it is informed that the Mid Day Meal is to be provided to the children and school sanitation should be properly ensured.

In this regard, The District Educational Officers shall take all necessary actions to provide mid day meals to the students and necessary actions regarding School sanitation in the schools duly following the general as well as COVID specific guidelines/ instructions issued by Government of India, Government of AP, Director of School Education and Directorate of MDM from time to time.

Further, the AP State Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for MDM and school sanitation is enclosed herewith for necessary action to ensure the implementation of the same. They are further instructed to involve the district authorities, community organisations, parents committees, local representatives, stakeholders in the 4 tier monitoring system and other stakeholders for smooth and successful implementation of the SOP in the interest of students nutrition, hygiene and safety.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers are instructed to follow the above instructions scrupulously.

Encl: AP State SOP of MDM & School Sanitation

Download proceedings, SOP

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