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Saturday 31 October 2020

Private Un-Aided Schools/Junior colleges - Fee to be collected from parents/students for the Academic year 2020-21

School Education Department - COVID-19- Private Un-Aided Schools/Junior colleges- Fee to be collected from parents/students for the Academic year 2020-21-Order - Issued G.O.MS.No. 57 Dated: 30-10-2020

The Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission (APSERMC) vide reference 6th cited has informed that, after review, considering the plight of the parents who were economically incapacitated, the Commission in exercise of powers under Section 9 of Act 21 of 2019 has recommended to impose are duction  of 30%of tuition fee for the academic year 2020-21 which was allowed to be collected in the references 3rd cited, and permit the managements of private un-aided educational institutions to collect70% of the tuition fee equivalent to which they collected during the last academic year and requested to issue necessary instructions to all concerned in the matter.

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