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Monday 26 October 2020

District wise Vacancies SGT, LP, PET, S.A for Transfers 2020

AP Teachers | Head Masters Rationalization and Transfers 2020 Vacancies | SGT-Secondary Grade Teachers | LP-Language Pandit Telugu / Hindi | P.E.T | SA-School Assistant Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, PS, Physics, BS, Biology, Social, P.D | All Districts | Ananthapur | Kadapa | Karnool | Chittoor | Nellore | Prakasam | Guntur | Krishna | West Godavari |East Godavari | Vizag-Vishakha | Vizianagaram | Srikakulam Download AP Teachers | Head Masters Rationalization and Transfers 2020 Vacancy Lists

AP Teachers Transfers 2020 GOVERNMENT - MPP - ZPP - AGENCY Vacancies Lists of all 13 Districts:

AP Teachers Transfers Seniority Lists all Districts. ALL Districts, All Cadres Teachers Transfers Vacany List for 2020 Transfers is released at To Get your Seniority Position, First Click on the Link given below. Then Select Post, select Subject, Medium, area type, management of the School, wait a sec then select District and finally Click on Get List then the List will be opened and click on Excel. Now You can check and  make objections if any.

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Vacancies for AP Teachers Transfer 2020 Click here

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Guntur  Prakasam  Nellore  Krishna   Chittor   Kadapa  Vizag  Kurnool 

East Godavari   West Godavari   Srikakulam  Vizianagaram    Anantapur

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