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Monday 14 September 2020

Release and Guidelines for utilization of the MRC Grant

Rc.No. SS-15024/136/2020-SAMO-SSA Dt.12/09/2020.

AP Samagra Shiksha - Quality Intervention - PAB 2020-21 - Release of the MRC Grant to the 671 BRCS in 13 districts - Certain Guidelines for utilization of the grant - Orders - Issued.


1. PAB Minutes 2020-2021 communicated by the Gol, MHRD vide File No. 14-11/2020-IS-18, dt. 3rd August, 2020,


As per the approval of the PAB 2020-2021 by MHRD, Gol, in the reference cited, AP Samagra Shiksha has decided to release the MRC Grant for Rs. 838.75 lakhs to 671 BRCs in 13 districts.

The PAB 2020-2021 Approved the total MRC Grants 2020-2021:

Under powers vested with the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh, sanction is hereby accorded to release an amount of Rs.838.75 lakhs to the Addl. Project Coordinator of Samagra Shiksha in 13 districts as per Annexure-I towards MRC grant 2020-21 for 671 BRCS.

Therefore, the Finance Controller of this office is requested to release an amount of Rs.838.75 lakhs to the Addl. Project Coordinator of Samagra Shiksha in 13 districts through online accounts as per Annexure-I towards MRC grant 2020-21 for 671 MRCS.

The sald budget may be met from the intervention of Academic Support through BRC/URC/CRC grant (119.1,119.4,119.5,119.7 & 119.19) of PAB 2020- 2021.

Download MRC Grants proceedings

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