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Wednesday 9 September 2020

Nadu Nedu - Payment Procedure for Centralized Procurement items Circular Memo No. 1226895/MBNN/2020 08/09/2020

Circular Memo No: 1226895/MBNN/2020 08/09/2020 School Education dept - Mana Badi Nadu Nedu - Payment Procedure for Centralized Procurement items in Implementation of the MBNN Program - certain procedural guidelines - issued.


1) G.OMS No 87,Prog II, School Education Department dt 30.11.2019
2) DSE Circular memo no : 1184262/20-21/MBNN Dated 14/7/2020

It has been directed the Head Masters and Mandal Engineers to place the indents for the materials of centralized procurement such as Dual Desk Benches, Teacher tables, Almarahs, Green Chalk Boards, Fans, Paintings and Sanitary ware. The same has been done by the HM s and Mandal engineers and the suppliers started supplying the material to school sites.

 In this context, it is informed to the suppliers to give invoices to the HM s for material they supplied at school level. After supplying the material, the suppliers shall upload the invoices in STMS through the logins given to them. Once the suppliers upload the invoices the same will be shown in HM s login.  After receipt of the material by HM, the HM shall select the invoice in STMS which was already uploaded by the supplier and upload the same to Mandal engineer. Before uploading the invoice, the HM shall ensure that the material is received in good condition. Along with the invoice the HM also shall upload two to four photographs of the material/painting supplied by the supplier. If the HM is not satisfied the same shall be recorded and uploaded with specific comments why the HM is not satisfied.

 After the HM uploads the invoice, the Mandal engineer shall see the same invoice in his login and he shall visit the school and take measurements and check for the specifications and standards and record in M-book and upload the same in STMS, recommending for payment. The Mandal engineer shall upload the invoice along with the M book number, date of his visit, date of recording, and validate the details of invoice like numbers, rate, total amount etc. If the quality or specification is not as per specification in contract document, the same shall be rejected and the same shall be recorded while uploading the invoice and bill. The Mandal engineer also capture the photos of his visit to the material from school site. While uploading the photo the longitude and latitude of the school site will be uploaded automatically.

In case of dissatisfaction or rejection either by HM or Mandal engineer the same shall be sent to the log in of the Executive Engineer APEWIDC. Then the EE shall visit the school site and take a decision either to reject the material or accept the material. On rejection, the invoice will be sent back to the supplier with reasons of rejection. In case the material is accepted by the EE APEWIDC,
the same shall be pushed to FAO in APC s office. The FAO shall check whether the photos are appropriate and the invoices are appropriate and upload the same to APC. The APC shall then upload the bills to CFMS for arrangement of payments to the suppliers directly to go to the bank account of suppliers.

The DEE of the concerned Mandal shall check measure the material along with other work done items while closure of works. In any case if the DEE not satisfied the specific comments shall be recorded in M Book. The same shall be entered by the Mandal engineer through his login under DEE comments. The work cannot be closed if DEE s comments are not addressed by the suppliers. The DEE comments will go to EE APEWIDC and the EE shall visit the school and inspect the material rejected by DEE of the Mandal. Even if the payment is already made to the supplier, the amount of that part of rejections will be affected from the subsequent bills of the supplier.

An MIS will be put in STMS to monitor the delay of payments to suppliers at all levels.

All the Head Masters shall take the material into inventory register to be maintained for each school. All movable items like dual benches, Almirahs, Teachers chairs and tables, Green boards, Fans, drinking water system should be recorded in the Inventory register. The inventory register shall have details like name of the material, No of items received, Cost of the material, name of the supplier supplied, Date of receipt of the material, signature of the HM received with date, Remarks. Inventory register is a permanent register to be managed for every school. It has to be handed over to the new HM s by relieved HMs whenever transfers/Retirements take place.

The Stock registers shall be maintained for all consumable items such as cement, steel, bricks, stone etc which can be consumed on works. The stock register should be shown to the inspection teams and to the social audit teams.

It is informed that, the specifications, unit rates for centralized procurement items has been kept on the STMS, website( as per the agreement entered with the supplier. The rates and specifications can be verified whenever required.

The Managing Director, APEWIDC shall officially furnish the deductions to be made for each of the supplier as per the terms and conditions to Mr Ramana TCS.

Third party quality control agencies M/S Tata projects ltd, M/S SGC finalized by the state tender committee have been given the responsibility of quality check. They may visit the school sites for the purpose of checking the material supplied by the suppliers.

The District Educational Officer, Addl. Project Coordinators Samagra Shiksha and Executive Engineers of the MBNN implementing agencies are requested to follow the above guidelines scrupulously and implement the program with high transparency and accountability.

All the District Collectors, Joint Collectors Development, Regional Joint Directors, School Education and PO s ITDAs are requested to monitor the supply of centralized material and arrange payments to the suppliers as per the above guidelines.

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