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Monday 28 September 2020

Framing of Draft SERVICE RULES to teaching and non-teaching staff of AP Model Schools

Lr.Rc.No.759/B1/APMS/2016,Dated:-07/09/2020 School Education - A.P. Model Schools - Framing of Draft SERVICE RULES to teaching and non-teaching staff of AP Model Schools - Constitution of a 04 Men Committee to examine the possibilities - Report submitted - Orders requested - Reg.

Committee has suggested for partial absorption of AP Model Schools into APREI Society with the following recommendations:-

1. The A.P. Model Schools can be partially absorbed into APREIS as a Separate Unit under APREIS without disturbing APREIS existing service rules.

2. After partial absorption, the existing APREI Society will have two wings i.e., 1) AP Residential Schools (APREIS) and 2) AP Model Schools (AP Non-Residential Schools).

3. The AP Model Schools will function as day scholar schools and APREIS will function as residential schools as per the existing society norms.

4. The Joint Director of Model Schools will function under Secretary, APREIS with Separate entitlement i.e., appointing and disciplinary authority for Principals, PGTs and TGTs working in Model Schools (AP Non Residential Schools).

5. The existing Non-Teaching regular) staff of AP Model Schools at State and District level will be continued as usual and can utilize their services for monitoring of APREI Schools along with Model Schools in their respective Districts.

6. The files related of Model schools will be routed to the Government through the Secretary, APREIS.

7. Admissions for both APMS and APRIES will be carried out through Secretary, APRIES.

8. After partial absorption of AP Model Schools into APREI, the both organizations will work together in the following academic areas:-

1. Teaching-Learning process
2. Common Academic Calendar
3. Common Examinations
4. Utilization of teaching-learning resource
5. Professional development of teachers (Trainings)
6. Academic Monitoring

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