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Tuesday 4 August 2020

Creation of 28 posts i.e. 13 posts on deputation basis, and 15 posts on outsourcing basis to the AP School Education Regulatory & Monitoring Commission G.O.MS.No. 36

School Education Department - Creation of (28) posts i.e. (13) posts on deputation basis, and (15) posts on outsourcing basis to the AP School Education Regulatory & Monitoring Commission - Permission Accorded - Orders - Issued G.O.MS.No. 36 Dated: 04-08-2020

Read the following:-
Lr.Rc.No.18/APSERMC/2019, Dated.30.04.2020 of the Chairperson, Andhra
Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission.

O R D E R:
The Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission in the reference read above, has submitted a proposal together with justification for creation of posts to the AP School Education Regulatory & Monitoring Commission(APSER& MC),so as to perform the
functions as prescribed under the Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission Act,2019(Act No.21 of 2019) and the rules framed there under.

Government, after careful examination of the proposal, hereby accord sanction for creation of following (28) posts i.e.(13) posts on deputation basis, and (15) posts on outsourcing basis to the Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory & Monitoring Commission.

The Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission, shall take further necessary action in the matter, accordingly.

This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (HR.II) Department vide their U.O.No.1136321/HR-II/FIN01-HR0MISC/30/2019, Dt.28.07.2020.

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