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Thursday 30 July 2020

Sri V.N.Masthanaiah Promoted to the post of SIEMAT Director of School Education G.O.Rt.No.157 Dated 30.07.2020

APES  Category 1 of Class I of APES - Sri V.N.Masthanaiah, Additional Director of School Education - Promotion to the post of Director of School Education in Category-1 of Class-I of A.P.E.S. for the Panel Year 2019-20 - Orders - Issued.


G.O.Rt.No.157  Dated 30.07.2020
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.90, School Edn.(Ser.I).Dept., dated 27.12.2019.
2. From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Lr.Rc.No.36/Estt.1-1/2020 dated 20.02.2020.


  Under Rule 10(a) of A.P.State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, Sri V.N.Masthanaiah, Additional Director of School Education, is temporarily promoted to the post of Director of School Education under Category-1 of Class-I of A.P. Educational Service Rules in the scale of pay of Rs.80930-2020-84970-2160-91450-2330-100770-2520-110850 in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.

On promotion, the services of Sri V.N.Masthanaiah, Director of School Education are placed at the disposal of the State Project Director, Samagra Siksha, for posting him as Director, SIEMAT, under Foreign Service terms and conditions.

The promotion ordered in para 1 above is purely on temporary basis and the incumbent is liable to be reverted at any point of time without giving any notice and without assigning any reason.

The promotion is subject to outcome of Court Cases, if any, pending before the Hon’ble High Court/Supreme Court.

The Promotee officer should join in the new post within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order, failing which he shall forfeit his right for promotion, in terms of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.154, Genl. Admn. Dept., dated 15.06.2004.

Under F.R.49, Sri D.Devananda Reddy, Joint Director (Services), O/o.CSE, A.P. is placed under full additional charge of the vacant post of Director of Public Libraries, A.P., with immediate effect, until further orders.

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. / the State Project Director, Samagra Siksha, A.P. shall take further necessary action in the matter, accordingly.

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