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Saturday 6 June 2020

Nadu Nedu - Procurement of materials - Specifications - Brand names Memo.No.1157791/MBNN/2020

Nadu Nedu - Procurement of materials - Specifications - Brand names - communicated - regarding Memo.No.1157791/MBNN/2020 

1. GO Ms.No. 87 of School Education (Prog-II)Department dated 30-11-2019.
2. GO Ms.No. 22 of School Education (Prog-II) Department dated 06-05-2020.

  Government vide the reference 1st cited have accorded administrative approval for improving the infrastructure facilities with nine identified components in all the Schools under Mana Badi Nadu Nedu programme. All these works are being taken up through Parents Committees by way of community contracting.

Further vide the ref 2nd cited, Government has set the target date for completion of all the works in all the schools by 31st July 2020.

 In many circumstances it has been reported that, the HMs and PCs are facing the problem with specifications of the materials and brands of the material to be procured. Hence to facilitate the HMs and PCs in selection of the materials and best known brands in the market guidelines are issued.

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