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Wednesday 13 May 2020

Opening of Additional Sections in Private Junior Colleges in the State - Ceiling on class room student strength - Amendment G.O.MS.No. 23 Dated: 13-05-2020

G.O.MS.No. 23 Dated: 13-05-2020 - Private Junior Colleges - Opening of Additional Sections in Private Junior Colleges in the State - Ceiling on class room student strength - Amendment to orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.12, Higher Education(IE-II) Department, dated.09.03.2002 - Orders - Issued.

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No.114, Higher Education (CE.III.2) Department, dated.09.08.2000.
2. G.O.Ms.No.12, Higher Education (IE-II) Department, dated.09.03.2002.
3. From the Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education, A.P, Vijayawada e-file No.ESE51-13/6/2020-E SEC-BIE.


    The Special Commissioner & Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh in his E-file third read above, has stated that in G.O.Ms.No.12, Higher Education (IE-II) Department, dated:09.03.2002, Government have issued orders streamlining the procedure for additional sections etc., by way of a scheme. The Private Junior College managements are running the colleges in urban apartments are not able to provide sufficient infrastructural facilities to the students and are not maintaining proper class room accommodation to the students thereby violating the norms of the Board of Intermediate Education, AP. At present most of the Private Un-Aided Junior colleges are not maintaining hygiene environment in their premises and conducting classes in such kind of atmosphere is not that encouraging. Students are accommodated in classrooms and seated very
closely without any free movements. The intake of the Students is on the higher side as compared to the space provided.
   Further, as per Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan and Central Board of Secondary Education, the maximum class room strength is 40 and
hence, it is proposed to introduce the amendment to G.O.Ms.No.12, Higher Education (IE-II) Department, dated.09.03.2002.
   The Government after careful examination of the matter and hereby decided to issue the following amendment to the orders issued in Para (3), in item No.3 (viii) (a) and (c) of G.O.Ms.No.12, Higher Education (IE-II) Department, dated. 09.03.2002

In para (3), in item No.3, in (Viii), for sub-item (a) and (c), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
  “(a) Every Private Junior College may be sanctioned 4 Sections (4x40=160) including originally sanctioned sections with strength of 160 students from the academic year 2020-21 onwards”. ” 
    A ceiling of 360 students on the total strength in each year i.e., a maximum of nine (9) sections (9x40=360) with two (2) sections compulsory providing instructions i.e., one each in Commerce and Arts & Humanities irrespective of previous intake shall be imposed for admissions with effect from the year 2020-21 onwards for all the private junior colleges, except those private junior colleges with permanent affiliation, subject to availability of infrastructure facilities and staff”.
    The Special Commissioner & Secretary Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh is requested to take all necessary further action accordingly, in the matter so as to avoid any inconvenience to the students and in the interest of the welfare of the student community.

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