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Thursday 7 May 2020

Nadu Nedu Programme in Municipal Schools - Instructions, Roles and Responsibilities Roc.No. 1141059/2020/FC Dated: 05.05.2020

Roc.No. 1141059/2020/FC Dated: 05.05.2020

Municipal Administration Department - Nadu Nedu Programme - Instructions Issued for timely completion of Works in Municipal Schools

1. Proc.Roc.No. 'Roc.NoMAU02-21022/4/2019-FC 24/12/2019 of the CDMA, AP, Guntur.
2. G.0.MS.No.87, School Education Department(Prog.II), GoAP.
3. Govt Memo No.MAU01-MUNA/253/2020-D of MA&UD Dt: 02-05-2020

    The attention of the Municipal Commissioners of (59) ULBs where Municipal School exists is invited to the reference 1st cited, wherein certain instructions were issued to all the Municipal Commissioners and the Engineers of ULBs to take up Nadu Nedu Works, primarily through the Parents Committees in a time bound manner as per the guidelines issued by the School Education Department in the reference 2nd cited above.
    It was also directed to utilize the services of the Ward Amenities Secretary for supervising the works in the schools falling under the ward secretariat jurisdiction , to attend the parents committees meetings and also to act as a liaison between the parents committees and the Headmaster and the Field Engineers etc. Similarly it was also directed to utilize the services of Ward Education Secretary for book keeping and assistance to the parents committees and the headmaster during meetings, preparation of reports etc. Further, as per the Guidelines issued by the School Education Department , the Engineer In Chief (PH) MA&UD, is the implementation agency for Nadu Nedu Program in ULBs.

  In the reference 3rd cited above, the Government with a view to implement the program in an effective manner, made the C&DMA overall responsible for the Nadu Nedu Program and directed the EnC(PH) to assist the C&DMA and take necessary steps for expeditious and transparent implementation of the program.

    Therefore, to implement the above orders of the Government, the follOWing instructions are issued to all the ULBs with Municipal Schools for expediting the implementation of Nadu Nedu Program:
a. The roles and responsibilities of various municipal functionaries at the filed level shall be as given in Annexure-1 to this circular.
b. Weekly Progress Reports will be compiled and sent to the EnC(PH) by the Concerning Engineering Staff duly verified and signed by the Municipal Scanned Commissioner. C&DMA with the assistance of EnC(PH) will review on a weekly basis and issue necessary instructions/action. A one time master data report is also to be compiled and submitted by the ULBs in the format
given in Anneuxure II. The format for the weekly report is given in Annexure III.
    The Municipal Commissioners are directed to monitor the progress of Nadu Nedu works on top priority basis through their respective engineers and ensure that the works sanction in phase 1 are completed by August end in all the Municipal Schools without fail.

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