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Tuesday 28 April 2020

RPS 2015 HRA Amendment Orders G.O.Ms.No. 2862 Dated:01-12-2015

Revised Pay Scales, 2015 - House Rent Allowance (HRA) Amendment - Orders - Issued.

                                        FINANCE (HR.VI-TFR) DEPARTMENT

G.O.Ms.No. 2862 Dated:01-12-2015

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No.59, Finance (HRM.V.PC) Department, dt.30-04-2015
2. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM.V.PC) Department, dt.30-04-2015
3. G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HRM.V.PC) Department, dt.30-04-2015
4. Representation received from President, A.P.Non-Gazetted Officers’ Association, Hyderabad.

In the Government Order 2nd cited above, orders were issued revising the rates ofHouse Rent Allowance as recommended by PRC 2015.
    The President, Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers’ Association in the reference 4th read above represented that the Ankapalli of Visakhapatnam District was sanctioned 14.5% House Rent Allowance in G.O.Ms.No.59, Finance (PC.I) Department, dt.11-04-2011 and it was not included in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015. Therefore he requested the Government to include Ankapalli Town of Visakhapatnam District either in
20% or 14.5% House Rent Allowance which was admissible in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.
    Government after careful consideration hereby order that the Government employees working in the Ankapalli Town of Visakhapatnam District be allowed to draw House Rent Allowance at 14.5% in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.
      Accordingly an amendment is issued to G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HRM.VPC) Department, dt.30-04-2015 as follows:
       In the said para 2 (i) in the table containing the classification of cities and Towns for HRA in the 3rd row, after serial No.57. Palamaner (Chitoor District), the following shall be added namely,
“58 Ankapalli, (Visakhapatnam District).

    The above amendment shall take effect as indicated in para 6 of the Government order third read above

Download RPS 2015 HRA Amendment G.O.Ms.No. 2862
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