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Monday 24 February 2020

Mana Bad, Naadu-Nedu - improving Infrastructure facilities in all the schools - Amendment - Orders G.O.MS.No. 7 Dated: 24-02-2020

School Education Department - Mana Badi; Naadu-Nedu - Administrative approval accorded to take up the basic infrastructure works with nine (9) components for improving Infrastructure facilities in all the schools - Amendment - Orders – Issued.


              G.O.MS.No. 7                                                 Dated: 24-02-2020

Read the following;

1. G.O.Ms.No.87, SE(Prog.II) Department, dt.30.11.2019.
2. From the CSE, A.P., Rc.No.1022043/DC/2020, Dated:25.01.2020.

In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education in the reference 2nd read above and after careful examination of the matter, Government is hereby issue amendments to the orders issued in the reference 1st read above.

Download Amendment G.O copy
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