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Friday 22 November 2019

Pay fixation and Notional Seniority to DSC-2008 Hamipatralu Teachers Clarifications


Cir Memo No: FIN02-18022/23/2019-H SEC-DTA 22/11/2019

Pay fixation to the teachers who were selected through DSC-2008 notification and appointed on "Hamipatralu" after 01-07-2011 - Certain instructions – issued – Reg.

1.Lr. Rc. No. 3150/Estt.III/2015, Dt.08-09-2019 of the Commissioner of School Education.
2. Govt Memo No 754017/Services.II/A.1/2017 dt.27-062019.
3.Clarification received from Government vide File No. FIN0218024/6/2018-H SEC-DTA at para 47 under Note#61.

Attention of all the DDs of DTs in the state is invited to the subject matter, In the reference 3rd cited, Government have issued the following clarification on the points noted below:

Point raised for clarification:

  Whether both individuals are As per the Service particulars eligible for pay fiation and the monetary beneft?

Reply w.r.t Rule 26 (aa):
  • As per the Service Particulars the concerned administrative department has to take a decision whether both the individuals are eligible for notional fixation as per the Court orders. However, w.r.t FR 26(aa) notional pay fixation may be considered but the monetary benefit is from the date of their joining in services only.Arrears shall not be payable for the notional duty periods assigned as a result of revision of Seniority position

Point raised for clarification:

     Whether the concurrence of the Finance Department is required Department to admit bills?

Reply w.r.t Rule 26 (aa):
  • In G.O.Ms.NO.140 S.E dt.27-6-2018 it is ordered to allow notional increments in the pre-revised scales of 2010 and then fi pay in the Revised Pay Scales of 2015 in respect of teachers who were selected through DSC-2008 Notification and appointed after 01.07.2011 on Hamipatralu.
  • These orders are issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide 33021/233/HR-IV(PC-FR/2018,dt. 25-4-2018 As such no concurrence of Finance Dept is required.

         All the DDs of DTs in the State are directed to take necessary action in admitting and passing the bills duly following the instructions/orders which are in force.
(These orders are issued under the note orders of the DTA).

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