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Friday 18 October 2019

Self Defense Skills Training Programme for the year 2019-20 Instructions, Schedule

File No. ESE.02-34/148/2019- RMSA dt.17.10.2019 
RMSA - Self Defense Skills Training Programme for the year 2019-20 in all Govt. ZPHS / MPPUPs, KGBVs, Model Schools, Municipal, Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Schools for the girls students of 8th, 9th and 11th & 12th standard of intermediate colleges - schedule - orders - issued.

    The programme  will be implemented in the 13 Districts of all Govt, MPPUPs, ZPHS, KGBVs, Model Schools, Municipal, Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Schools for the girl students of 8th,9th, and 11th and 12th Standards covering a total of 6367 schools and 504169 students .

Time Schedule: 
      The programme will be operational for 3 months after commencement of programme in schools .The Principals shall allocate 2 hours per week for the Self defence Trainers to teach the course module covering both theory and pratical .This allocated time of 2 hours will be divided into 2 times per week equally i.e 1 hour per each specified day.

     Therefore ,all the District Educational Officers & Ex. Officio Project Coordinator of RMSA in the  State are required to communicate the instructions in time to Head Masters/ Head Mistress of 6367 schools on implementation of Self Defence Training programme for the year 2019-20 and they shall ensure that commencement and implementation of the training programme as per the timelines given.

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