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Saturday 16 February 2019

Badikosta Supply of bicycles to the girl students studying VIII and IX class Instructions Rc.No.ESE02-17030

Rc.No.ESE02-17030/3/2018-PSI-CSE, Date: 14. 2.2018

Sub:-School Education-BADIKOSTA PROGRAMME-Supply of bicycles to the girl students studying VIII and IX class in Government / Aided / Zilla Parished / Municipal/ Model Schools during the academic year 2018-19 -Certain Instructions -Issued -Regarding.

1. Tender No.CSE-PS/465, Dated:20.07.2018.
2. Govt. Merno.No.965900/Prog.II/AI/2018 SE (Prog.II) Department, Dated: 19.12.2018.
This Office Proc.Rc.No.ESE02-17030/3/2018-PS1-CS , Dated: 11.01.2019.

In continuation of the instructions issued in the reference read 3rd above, all the Regional Joint Directors of Schools Education and e District Educational Officers in the State are requested to supply the bicy les to the girl students studying VIII and IX class in Government / Aid d / Zilla Parished / Municipal/ Model Schools during the academic ye 2018-19 immediately duly inviting the public representatives. They are also requested to u load the data relation to deliver of bicycles to individual student eve da b the HM P.E.T. in the "Badikosta" Mobile Application duly downloading from the Google Play Store.

Further, they are requested to make the Headmaster and th Physical Education Teacher of the school responsible for receipt of bicycle from the supplier as per requirement and certify the receipt of the bicycle through the app. The HM / PET has to:

a. Ensure that the bicycles supplied to the stu ents are completely fitted with all accessories (attached 1st).
b. Note down the batch number of the bicycles supplied to the students.
c. Keep the bicycles in safe place at school point till completion of the distribution of the bicycles.
d.The finger print / iris of the student, det s of the students and photo graph of the student wi h bicycle shall be uploaded through mobile app confi ing the receipt of the bicycles.
e. Serious action will be taken against He dmaster concerned where distribution of bicycles is don without biometric authentication in the App.

All the District Educational Officers are requested to verify the list of beneficiaries communicated by this office with the actual number of students studying in the school and infonn the deficit or surplus number, found if any, to this office immediately and ensure that the bicycles are distributed to all the girl students of class VIII and IX of2018-19.

Further, all the District Educational Officers are instructed to submit. the consolidate report i.e. No. of bicycles received and No. of bicycles distributed and No. of bicycles not distributed with reasons along with vouchers and good condition certificate from the HM concerned as per following schedule so as enable to pay the bills to the bicycle suppliers.

For bicycles distribution till: 28.02.2019.
For bicycles distribution till: 15.03.2019
For bicycles distribution till: 31.03.2019

Encl: As above

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