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Thursday 3 January 2019

JBMV 2019 Mid Day Meal Pamphlet instructions by CSE RC.No.ESE02

1.U.O.NoteNo:PLGo1/11/2018-PLG-VIl (3431) Ptanning (Vll) Department Dt:23.12.2018 2.Govt.Memo No.SEDNMOCSE/248 I 2018-Generat,Dt: 27.12.201 8

      The Government of Andhra Pradesh have decided to conduct 6th round of "Janmabhoomi mana Vooru" programme from 2nd January, 20'19 to 11th January,2019. The focus shatt be on Village / Ward Development essentially focusing ten important themes including Education.

   The Mid Day Meal is scheduled on 04.0'l .2019. Hence, there is a need to highlight the efforts of the Government in improving the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. Therefore, it is proposed to print and distribute a pamphlet on Mid-Day Meat Scheme containing the achievements/ developments of the Mid Day Meal Scheme.

     Therefore, while enclosing a model pamphlet at the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to get the pamphlet printed in required number and distribute to at the participants during Gram Sabha under Janmabhoomi programme on 04.01 .2019 without fail.

This has got the approval of the Commissioner of school education.

This should be treated as MOST URGENT
Encl: Pamphlet

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