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Monday 7 January 2019

CFMS Data validation - HRMS Module - Cadre Strength and Employee details confirmation G.O.MS.No 4

CFMS – Data validation – HRMS Module – Cadre Strength and Employee details confirmation – Orders – Issued.

                                         FINANCE (IT, BPR & CODIFICATION) DEPARTMENT 

G.O.MS.No. 4                                                                                            dated: 07-01-2019 

       The Government has implemented Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), phase 1 of which is operatonalisied since April 2018 and since has been stabilised. CFMS is integrating all the legacy public finance management processes and establishing a single source of truth for all aspects related. Currently, CFMS phase 2 is under project stage and in this phase additional modules are being implemented along with enhancing and improvising the phase 1 modules. Human Capital Management (HCM) module is one the important modules of phase 2, which encompasses all the service maters, organisational and cadre management, employee service events processing and recording, leave management, pay fixation and adjustment, Payroll etc.

    HCM module will introduce a robust system uniformly across all the offices and all the departments. To begin with, it is proposed to migrate the cadre strength and data of all the employees as validated by the cadre controlling authorities and the respective Treasury. In order to ensure this, there is urgent requirement for validating the existing HRMS data in the current HRMS system, so that it can be migrated in time to facilitate smooth launch of HCM module of CFMS. APCFSS, the nodal agency for implementing CFMS, has been assigned the responsibility to device an approach and related systems/tools to facilitate this process. It is now informed by the CEO, APCFSS that the tool is now developed and ready to be launched and has requested that suitable orders are issued to undertake data gathering and validation in preparation for HCM phase 2 configuration and launch.

   Government, after careful consideration, and keeping in view the importance of the data validation process, hereby orders that the Treasury offices and Capital Region PAO, DDOs, HODs should complete the exercise on or before January 14, 2019.

This validation process is to be carried out in the following two stages:

Stage 1 - The treasury officers are provided with details of sanctioned cadre strength and Working strength category wise as derived from the existing treasury HRMS data and payroll process. They are required to update the number of employees working substantively, in officiating capacity and how many are on leave or suspension, based on the SLO record maintained in the treasury. The data confirmed by them should be in conformity with the SLO guidelines and the corresponding pay bills audited by them.

Stage 2 - Once the Treasury Officer updates and confirms the details as in Stage 1, the Drawing Officers are displayed with the details of the employees working under each category in his office. He/she is required to confirm those working in that office and whether they are active, leave or under suspension. It is also required to provide information of the organization unit, HRA and any special attached to the post etc.

      The data as confirmed above, forms basis for ultimate migration to the HCM module of the CFMS. Therefore the respective stakeholders shall complete the exercise by January 14, 2019. The CEO, APCFSS shall take action to roll out the application immediately and monitor the exercise so that the information is obtained in time without any time lags. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts and the Pay and Accounts Officer shall coordinate the exercise with the Drawing and Disbursing Offers and the CEO, APCFSS.

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