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Friday 7 December 2018

State Awards to the Female Teachers 2018 Guidelines, Application Form Rc.No.82 dt.06.12.2018

Rc.No.82/A3/APSSA/2016 Dt:06-12-2018

1. G.O.Rt. No. 434 Education (Ser. IV) Department, dt: 23.08.2000.
2. Govt. Memo. No. 10174/Ser. IV-2/2002-1, Edn (Ser.IV) Dept, dt: 05.08.2002.
3. G.O.Rt.No.500 Education (Trg.I) Dept, dt: 2.09.2002.
4. CM Review Meeting on 7th December, 2016.
5. This Office Proc.No.82/A3/SSA-SIEMAT/2016, dt.20.12.2017.
& & & &
            The Government of Andhra Pradesh have introduced state Awards for Women Teachers and decided to honor the best female teachers who have rendered  their services in school education on the eve of Smt. Savitribai Phule Jayanthi celebrations on 3rd January.    Further it is informed that every year State Awards are being awarded by Government of Andhra Pradesh to the Best Teachers Selected on the occasion of Teachers Day i.e., Birth Day of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the former President of India on 5th September as per Government orders vide reference 1st to 3rd cited.
            Further informed that, it is proposed to conduct Smt Savitribhai Phule birth day on 3rd January of every year in the State as women teachers day as she was the 1st Women Teacher in India.  
Therefore, it is proposed to the best female teachers in 2 categories.
1. Regular female teachers from govt/Local body/aided schools
2. Special Officers and Contract Resident Teachers from Kasturba Gandhi Balika                 Vidyalayas,
The last date for submission of proposals by the Inspecting Officers of Mandal,
Divisional, District, State etc is as follows:

  •       Mandal Educational Officer: 15.12.2018
  •       Deputy Educational Officers: 18.12.2018
  •       District Educational Officer : 20.12.2018
  •       Last date to submission of final proposals from District to state: 24.12.2018
  •       Finalisation of proposals by the State Project Office, Samagra Shiksha
  •       Abhiyan: 27.12.2018
            The Government of India have promulgated an Act i.e. “The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Act No. 35 of 2009)” popularly known as RTE Act.  In the said Act, among other things, Govt. of India has incorporated the duties of Teachers and redressal of grievances.  Government of Andhra Pradesh has also issued Rules under the provisions of RTE Act.   In view of the RTE Act and Rules issued there under, it is desirable to honor the teachers who have performed their duties sincerely and honestly and worked hard for the development of education of children in their schools with special focus on Access, Enrolment, Retention, Transition to next higher classes, improved Evaluation techniques, needs of special children and community mobilizes for right approach to quality education.
              1). Conditions of eligibility of Teachers for considering for the State Awards.
a)            Women Teachers with at least 20 years of Teaching experience and who are actually working as Teachers/Headmasters in Government/Zilla Parishad /Municipalities and Aided Institutions only shall be considered.
b)            Teachers from the above institutions of physically and mentally handicapped are also eligible for the Awards if  they fulfill as other prescribed conditions.
2)       Main Considerations for Selection of best women Teachers:-
a)            Special Work done for raising the Standard of Education.
b)            Teaching Methodology being followed by the teacher.
c)            Inculcating Interest in extracurricular activities among the students.
d)           Educational innovative writing useful to the students.
e)            Community Mobilizations/ Social Work/ Community Services
f)             Gender sensitization & Girls Education
g)            Women Empowerment.
h)            Special efforts of teacher to improve enrollment, and retention.
i)              Sincerity and Commitment towards the job and regularity of    attendance Willingness to work in Interior areas.
j)              Strengthening of national integration like – NCC/ Scouts & Guides/NSS/ Other activities.
k)            Cultural Programs at District and state level.
l)              Interest in the helping the CWSN/ Back ward students/Health camps.
3). The Selection Committee shall recommend not more than one  proposal from each  following category:

SL No.
Name of the category of the teachers.
    The Women Headmasters of High Schools working under the State Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal, I.T.D.A. and Aided.
    Women Headmasters working under A.P.R.E.I.S.
     Women Headmasters working under A.P.S.W.R.E.I.S.
    Women Headmasters working under A.P.T.W.R.E.I.S.
   Women School Assistants/Headmasters of Upper Primary Schools working under State Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad, Municipal, I.T.D.A. and Aided.
    Women School Assistants of A.P.R.E.I.S. (T.G.T. & P.G.Ts.).
     Women School Assistants of A.P.S.W.R.E.I.S. (T.G.T. & P.G.Ts.).
     Women School Assistants of A.P.T.W.R.E.I.S. (T.G.T. & P.G.Ts.).
   Women Secondary Grade Teachers working in High Schools under State Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal, I.T.D.A. and Aided Managements.
     Women Secondary Grade Teachers working in Primary, Upper Primary Schools under State Government, Mandal Parishad, Municipal, I.T.D.A. and Aided Managements.
     Women Telugu Pandits Grade – I.
     Women Telugu Pandits Grade – II.
    Women Sanskrit Pandits Grade – I & Grade – II (Working in all managements excluding Societies).
     Women Hindi Pandits Grade – I.
     Women Hindi Pandits Grade – II.
     Women Urdu Pandits Grade – I.
     Women Urdu Pandits Grade – II.
     Women Physical Education Teachers.
    Women Craft/Music Teachers.
     Women Drawing Teachers.
   All Women Senior Lecturers in D.I.E.Ts., I.A.S.Es., C.T.Es. under State Government and Aided.
    Women Lecturers in Colleges of Physical Education.
     KGBV CRTs each subject /PET
     KGBV SOs
            The Final Selection shall be made by the State Selection Committee from out of the names recommended by the District Selection Committee from all the 13 districts. The Teachers selected by the State Selection Committee will be honored with a Gold Medal (Gold Plated silver medal), a Shawl, a Cash Award of Rs.10,000/-,Tablet and Merit Certificate.                            
1. Mandal Educational Officer.                                           : Chairman.
2Headmaster of Local Government/
    M.P./Upper Primary Schools                                                : Member.
3. One member from outside the Mandal
   (DIET, Lecturer/Headmaster of Govt./Z.P. H.S).                   :  Member.  
            The quorum of the Committee may be two (2) members.  The Mandal Educational Officer may enlist the eminent Teachers of Primary/Upper Primary Schools in his jurisdiction and place their particulars before the Selection Committee and send the selected list with recommendations containing not more than one teacher for each of the above categories, in the prescribed Proforma along with the certificate of antecedents and character, Marks awarded by the Committee duly signed by all the members of the Committee and citation which shall not exceed 10 lines on each of the selected teacher, to the District Educational Officer concerned.
1. Deputy Educational Officer     .                       -          Chairman
       2. Senior Lecturer in DIET/Lecturer in
    College of Teachers Education/
    Institute of Advanced studies in Education     -           Member
3. Eminent Educationist.                                      -           Member

            The quorum of the Committee may be two (2) members.  The Deputy Educational Officer may be enlist the eminent teachers of High Schools in his jurisdiction and place, their particulars before the Selection Committee and send the selected list with recommendations, not more than one teacher for each of the above categories, in the prescribed pro forma along with the Certificate of antecedents and character, Marks awarded by the Committee duly signed by all the members of the Committee and Citation.

             The District Educational Officers concerned are requested to recommendation of citations shall not exceed 10 lines on each of the selected Teachers.
            1. District Collector.                                       :           CHAIRMAN
            2. Project Officer, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan     :           CONVENOR
3. District Educational Officer.                      :           CO-CONVENOR
4. Principal of DIET.                                      :           MEMBER
5. Academic Monitoring Officer, SSA           :           MEMBER
6. Senior/eminent women state awardees       :           MEMBER
7. Eminent Educationist.                                :           MEMBER
8. Any other District Level Officer
         (Nominated by District Collector)               :           MEMBER
9. presentative of Good Voluntary
         Organization interested in Education.         :           MEMBER 
            The quorum of the Committee shall be Six (6) members. The Project Officer of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the District Educational Officer shall place the proposals, with recommendations, of the Teachers received from Mandal Educational officers and Deputy Educational Officers and Principals of DIETs/IASEs/CTEs/College of Physical Education before the District Selection Committee for selection of the Best Teachers.                                                                                                           
            The recommendations regarding the selected teachers, which should not be more than one teacher from each category, shall be sent in the prescribed proforma along with the Certificate of antecedents and character, Marks awarded by the Committee duly signed by all the members of the Committee together with Citation which shall not exceed 10 lines on each of the selected teacher at District Level, to this office, in a sealed cover.
Selection in respect of KGBV SOs/CRTs – only to be decided by the district level committee:
a)      Seniority
b)      Special Work done for raising the Standard of Education.
c)      Teaching Methodology being followed by the teacher.
d)     Inculcating Interest in extracurricular activities among the students.
e)      Educational innovative writing useful to the students.
f)       Community Mobilizations/ Social Work/ Community Services
g)      Gender sensitization & Girls Education
h)      Women Empowerment.
i)        Special efforts of teacher to improve enrollment, and retention.
j)        Sincerity and Commitment towards the job like regularity of attendance, not bringing any political pressure for transfers etc.,.
k)       Willingness to work in Interior areas.
l)        Strengthening of national integration like – NCC/ Scouts & Guides/NSS/ Other activities.
m)    Cultural Programs at District and state level.
n)      Interest in the helping the CWSN/ Back ward students/Health camps.
o)      20 years experience restriction will not be applicable to the KGBV SOs/CRTs as they are contract teachers and the KGBVs are only established with effect from 2004.

            The recommendation regarding the  SOs and CRTs, which should not be more than one SO and CRT from each subject, shall be sent in the prescribed Proforma along with the Certificate of antecedents and character, Marks awarded by the Committee duly signed by all the members of the Committee together with Citation which shall not exceed 10 lines on each of the selected teacher at District Level, to this office, in a sealed cover.
            The Principals of DIETs/IASEs/CTEs/Colleges of Physical Education are enlist the eminent Teacher Educators under his/her control and place their particulars before the District Level Selection Committee through District Educational Officer concerned.
            The District Level Selection Committee should be requested to submit the particulars of the Selected Candidates in the prescribed Proforma along with the antecedents and Character, Marks awarded by the Committee duly signed by all the members of the Committee, which shall not exceed 10 lines on each of the selected teacher Educator to the State Project Director, Sarvasiksha Abhiyan, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati, in a sealed cover in both Telugu and English Languages.
            The final selection will be approved by the following State Selection Committee out of the names recommended by the District Committee.
            1. Hon’ble Minister for HRD                                            -       Chairman
                Secretariat, Buildings, Amaravati.
            2. Principle Secretary to Government                                 -      Vice Chairman     
                  School Education Department. Govt. of AP, Amaravati
            3. State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan               -      Convener
                   A.P., Amaravati.  .
            4. The Commissioner & Director of School Education       -       Member.
            5.  Director, S.C.E.R.T, Amaravti                                        -       Member
            6.  Principal, IASE,  Rajamahendravaram                            -       Member. 
            The Teachers and Teacher Educators selected by the State Selection Committee will be honored with Cash Award of Rs. 25,000/-, Gold Plated Silver Medal, a Shawl, Tab and a Merit Certificate.  The T.A.will be paid and 2nd Class Railway Fare or Bus Fare and D.A. will be paid as per A.P.T.A. rules.

            The Chairman of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in Andhra Pradesh is requested to give wide publicity of the programme through News Papers or any other local mass media.     The Chairman of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan of all the Districts should be represented at the State Function of honoring of Teachers without any deviation.

            It is intimated that this programme is a time-bound programme and as such, the proposals together with the Antecedent and Character Certificates and Citations, duly signed by the District Selection Committee should be sent to this office on or before 24-12-2018.   The proposals received without the Antecedent and Character Certificate, Citation etc. shall be summarily rejected and those proposals received after the last date prescribed will not be entertained and considered.
 Incomplete and defective proposals, such as: –
                   I.      Leaving the columns of Proforma as blank.
             II.      Recommendations along with marks awarded by the Committee, which are not signed by the District Selection Committee, proposals which are not having a gist of each item in Proforma and the proposals without the passport size Photographs duly attested at the back side of the photo will not be considered for Awards.
          III.      If any Committee sends particulars of more than one candidate in each category in deviation of the above instructions, the same will be viewed seriously and the member-Convener will be liable for disciplinary action.

            The Project Officers of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan & District Educational Officers in the State are requested to submit the proposals in the prescribed Proforma and  word document of the same shall be emailed to mail id while sending a hard copy of the proposal to this office by 24.12.2018.  No proposals are not accepted after the due date.
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