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Tuesday 25 September 2018

Week long practical intervention activities on the occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi- Instructions and Schedule Rc.No.Rc.No.289

Proc. Rc. No. 289/B/C&T/SCERT/201Dated: 24-09-2018
Sub:-School Education -SCERT, A.P -Undertaking week long practical intervention activities on the occasion of the 150' Birth Anniversary of 2nd Mahatma Gandhi on October in Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools and DIETS on Gandhiji's Nai Talim -Orders -Issued -Reg.
  1. From the Chairman, Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad, Lr.No;0009/MGNCRE/SCERT/ Nai Talim/20 18 dt 12-09-2018
  2. Memo No: ESEO 1-12022/1 07/prog.lI/AI/2018 dt: 20-09-2018, SE,GOAP
All the District Educational Officers and Principals of DIETS in the State are here by informed that the Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad (MGNCRE) has been conducting Experiential Learning -Nai Talim -Work Education activities on the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. In this connection School Education Department, GoAP and SCERT prepared plan of Acton to undertake Week long Practical Intervention in campaign mode from 26-09-2018 to 02-10-2018 in all primary, Upper Primary and High Schools and DIETS
The activities may be organized by inviting neighborhood persons who are engaging
in various work sites such as carpentry, pottery, agriculture, work sops etc; Every student should participate in anyone of the work based activity. This will helps the students to respect the work and appreciate workman ship by involving in work education activities. The following are the suggestive week long activities. The head of the Institution should conduct week long activities in their respective school to make their students to participate in experiential learning situations.
S.NoDateNature of Activity
126-9-2018Honor the worker: Invite local craftsman/shopkeeper/farmer/mechanic/worker to school and honor
227-9-2018Competitions: Conduct Elocution, Essay writing, Drawing competitions on Gandhian Philosophy Let us do: Conduct swachh campus programme: Cleaning of class rooms-school campus, Dust bin culture -Cleaning of Toilets Making of Broom sticks, Dust bins
429-9-2018Tools and Tasks: Demonstrate tool kit of bike mechanic/ cobbler/ carpenter/Cher/farmer/electrician and know how to use them and also know the maintenance ofany equipment, cycle, cooker, mixer, electric iron etc.,
501-10-2018Let me cook: Participate In kitchen related tasks including vegetable cutting, cooking, serving in school and at home.
Let me wash: After lunch and dinner I wash my plate
602-10-2018My experience with workmanship: Participate In local agricultural operations, poultry, dairy farm, and fishery for three hours and prepare a note on your feelings and experiences
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