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Monday 10 September 2018

Conduct of Video Conference on 12.09.2018 at 4.00 PM on various issues relating to the MDM scheme-Instructions R.C.No.Spl/MDM/2018

R.C.No.Spl/MDM/2018 Dated: 10.09.2018
Sub: School Education -Mid Day Meal Scheme -Conduct of Video Conference on 12.09.2018 at 4.00 PM on various issues relating to the scheme -Instructions Issued-Reg.
Ref: Message from Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada. 
The attention of all the District Educational Officers are informed that the undersigned have observed various drawbacks in supply of qualitative and quantitative meals and eggs to the children under Mid-Day Meal Scheme in the state have been reported. Several derogative news articles highlighting the various drawbacks in supply of quality eggs to the schools also have been published recently in various newspapers all over the State.
Besides, to streamline the implementation of the scheme various measures have been taken up by the Government such as Establishment of Centralised Kitchens, Construction of Kitchen Sheds centralized payment and supply of food grains through e-pos system. In addition to this, from the observations of State Food Commission meals and eggs, being supplied under Mid-Day Meal Scheme, fail frequently to meet the quality specifications in certain schools.
In view of the above circumstances and keeping in view the importance of the scheme the Commissioner of School Education desires to review various measures, taken and to be taken under MDM scheme through a Video Conference to be held on 12.09.2018 at 4.00 PM.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to attend the Video Conference in the office of the Project Officer, SSA along Mandai Educational Officers and Deputy Educational Officers with relevant material without fail.
The herewith communicated and it is requested to furnish latest report on Agenda items on 11.09.2018 by 2.00 PM.
Agenda Items
  1. Supply of Eggs: DEO's are requested to submit the report in the following proforma on adverse news published against the Egg supply under MOM in daily news papers.
  2. Cluster Kitchen DEO's are requested to submit the report on the latest stage of establishment of Cluster Kitchens.
Sl.NoDateNews item PublishedDetails of the News ItemWether rejoinder issued or notAction taken
Name of the Cluster AgencyNo.of Clusters AllottedHow many StartedHow many not StartedStatus of the ClusterRemarks
3Kitchen Sheds and PD Accounts:
Latest report in the prescribed proforma (already send through mail)
4.Bills Payment: Pending issues to be discussed
5. MDM to Intermediate:
 Problems in implementation of MOM to the Intermediate Education other issues relating to MDM,if any.
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