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Friday 27 July 2018

Vanam-Manam 2018-19 - Guidelines and Instructions

1. Plan for excursion to biodiversity rich areas every fourth Saturday in each District. Around 15 to 20 sites should be selected in such a way that Students will not be required to travel more than 50 Km to visit these sites, For these excursions, at least one or two teachers may accompany the students. Officials from the Forest Department will make necessary arrangement for interpretation and local activity.
2. Plan for debates and discussions on various themes every Saturday (except 4th Saturday) in all the Schools should be prepared and communicated.
3. Plan to conduct on the spot painting competitions in all the schools need to be prepared. The theme of paintings should be related to forests and environment.
4. Plan to conduct Quiz and Elocution competitions at Mandal level and then at District level (from among winners at Mandal level competitions) needs to be prepared. Resource persons may be identified for anchoring Quiz and Elocution competitions and painting competitions in each District.
5. Forest Department will supply films and documentaries on relevant themes. Arrangement may be made to screen them in all the schools.

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