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Monday 16 July 2018

Training to ALA Master Coaches, Core team members and ALA school teachers - Time lines and instructions Rc.No.11

Ref: Minutes of the meeting with Commissioner of School Education A.P Amaravati Dt: 04.06.2018

All the District Educational Officers and Project Officers in the state are aware that, Amanda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) was implemented in 2017-18 academic year in 1347 schools 2 schools per MandaI. In this regard, they are informed that, ALA programme is going to be extended to classes 3 -5 during A.Y 2018-19.
In this connection, it is decided to conduct trainings/Orientations in cascade mode as scheduled below.
S.NoActivityVenue/sFrom· ToParticipants
01State level Training to identified 12 MCs +12 Core team membersRiVER, Madanapalle, Chittoor Dt.19.07.2018 22.07.2018(see annexure)
02State level Trainings to all MCs and Core team members at 3 regional centresVijayawada (venue will be intimated at a later date)25.07.2018 28.07.2018MCs CTs of 13 districts
03Divisional level trainings to ALA school teachers spell IAll Divisional Head Quarters nearer to the Demo/ALA Schools01.08.2018 04.08.2018Assistant teachers in ALA schools
04Divisional level trainings to ALA school teachers spell IIAll Divisional Head Quarters nearer to the Demo/ALA Schools06.08.2018 09.08.2018Head Masters in ALA schools
In view of the above, you are requested to depute MCs and Core team members annexed to these proceedings, from 19.06.2018 to 28.07.2018, to participate in activities at SI. No. 1 and 2 in continuum. Hence instruct to the Master Coaches and Core Team to 4 days to report to the Director, RiVER before 09.00 am on 19.07.2018.
T.A and D.A to the participants will be paid by SCERT as per APTA norms.
Further all the DEOs and Project Officers of SSA are requested to make necessary arrangements to conduct divisional level trainings to ALA school teachers as scheduled.
Download proceedings copy and List of Master Coaches and Core Team Members
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