School Education Department – BE 2017-18 - Administrative Sanction accorded for an amount of Rs.103,12,46,000/- (Rupees One Hundred Three Crores Twelve Lakhs Forty Six Thousands only) towards implementation of Mid Day Meals Scheme for I-VIII Classes - Orders - Issued.
G.O.RT.No.32 Dated: 19-02-2018 Monday 19 February 2018
Sanction of Budget for MDM G.O.RT..No.32
Read the following:-
1. From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati, Lr.Rc.No.80/MDM/2017, dt:08.01.20182.
2. G.O.Rt.No.192, Finance (FMU.Edn) Department, dated:.12.2.2018.
In the reference 1st read above, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. has stated that Govt. of India has released an amount of Rs.5249.49 lakhs part of release of 2nd Installment for Recurring Central Assistance for I – VIII classes for the year 201718. The state share against GOI releases comes to Rs. 5062.95 lakhs including state additional commitment of Rs. 2.35/- per student towards providing of 3 eggs per week per child. Hence, she has requested to arrange for issue of BRO and Administrative Sanction orders for an amount of Rs.10312.44 lakhs (Rs.5249.49 lakhs + Rs. 5062.95 lakhs) under MDMS for I – VIII classes for the year 2017-18 to avoid hardship to the cooking agencies and for smooth implementation of the programme.
2. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Finance Department have issued Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.103,12,46,000/- (Rupees One Hundred Three Crores Twelve Lakhs Forty Six Thousands only) (from the BE 2017-18 Rs.2305.18 Lakhs + as additional funds of Rs.8007.28 Lakhs in relaxation of TC&QR Orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary grants at appropriate time during current F.Y. 2017-18) (Rs.5249.49 Lakhs as CSS@ 60% balance of 2nd installment to State of GOAP as recurring grant + Rs.3127.04 Lakhs as MSS @ 40% + Rs.1935.91 Addl. Commitment for cooking cost) towards implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDM) for I to VIII Classes for the year 2017-18.
3. In pursuance of the Budget Release Order issued by the Finance (FMU. Education) Department vide G.O. 2nd read above, Government hereby accord administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.103,12,46,000/- (Rupees One Hundred Three Crores Twelve Lakhs Forty Six Thousands only) (from the BE 2017-18 Rs.2305.18 Lakhs + as additional funds of Rs.8007.28 Lakhs in relaxation of TC&QR Orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary grants at appropriate time during current F.Y. 2017-18) (Rs.5249.49 Lakhs as CSS @ 60% balance of 2nd installment to State of GOAP as recurring grant + Rs.3127.04 Lakhs as MSS @ 40% + Rs.1935.91 Addl. Commitment for cooking cost) towards implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDM) for I to VIII Classes for the year 2017-18