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Saturday 17 February 2018

Obtaining of Digital/Physical life certificate from pensioners instructions Memo.No D3(H)10928/2014 Dt:16.02.18

Memo.No D3(H)10928/2014 Dated 16-02-2018

Sub: Treasuries and Accounts Department - Pensions - Obtaining of DigitaI/physical Life Certificates from the pensioners Further Instructions Issued Regarding.
     Personal Attention of the Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries in the state is drawn to the above subject.

     The submission of annual verification (life) certificate through Digital mode is only an additional facility to the pensioner. Through Digital mode, so far around 2,16,717 pensioners have submitted their life certificates. There is some problem with very old pensioners (especially women) for submission of Digital life certificates. When the issue was taken to the notice of the Government, Government, vide memo 4‘” c ted have directed the CEO, APCFSS for supply of IRIS scanners. But due to some technical problems, the CEO has not been able to supply the IRIS scanners so far. In the light of the above, the following executive instruct on: are Issued for strict observance by all pension disbursing officers (PDAs) in the State.

1. When the pensioner is unable to submit the Digital Annual verification certificate due to wear and tear of fingers, physical AVC may be obtained from all such pensioners duly verifying their physical presence by the ATO/STO in person or through whatsup/FB messenger Video calling.

2. As ordered by Government vide Memo 4‘h cited, the physical life certificate shall be attested by Gazetted officer located in the jurisdiction of the Sub~ Treasury only, duly quoting his employee id and contact phone number and by the paybank manager of the bank branch where the pension SB A/C is existing If due to any reason, the pensioner is unable to appear before the ATO/STO personally, the pensioner shall be verified through Whatsup/FB Messenger Video calling by t 1e ATO/STO and only after being satisfied with the physical eXIstence of the pensioner by the ATO/STO, such physical life certificate shall be accepted.

3 In respect of phys cal AVC (Life) 5 received through Registered post, the pensioner shall be verified through whatsup/FB messenger video calling and after satisfactory verification only such certificates received through post


Memo no: D3 H6 10928 2014 Dated 16-02-2018

Sub: Treasuries and Accounts Department Pensions Obtaining of DigitaI/physical Life Certificates from the pensioners Further Instructions Issued Regarding.

Ref: 1‘ TM NO: 02/20797/99 dated 19-11-1999 of Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Hyderabad. 2. Cir Memo NO: 10393 A/79/PSC/2005, Finance (PSC) Department dated 19-10‘2005 and 26-11-2005. 3. Memo NO: 34021/100/HR.V/2017 dated 24-10-2017 of

SpeCIal Secretary, Finance (HR. V) Department. 4. Memo NO: 34021/115/A1/HR.V/2017 dated 08-01-2018 of Finance (HR.V) Department.


Personal Attention of the Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries in the state is drawn to the above subject.

The submission of annual verification (life) certificate through Digital mode is only an additional facility to the pensioner. Through Digital mode, so far around 2,16,717 pensioners have submitted their life certificates. There is some problem with very old pensioners (especially women) for submission of Digital life certificates. When the issue was taken to the notice of the Government, Government, vide memo 4‘” c ted have directed the CEO, APCFSS for supply of IRIS scanners. But due to some technical problems, the CEO has not been able to supply the IRIS scanners so far. In the light of the above, the following executive instruct on: are Issued for strict observance by all pension disbursing officers (PDAs) in the State.

1. When the pensioner is unable to submit the Digital Annual verification certificate due to wear and tear of fingers, physical AVC may be obtained from all such pensioners duly verifying their physical presence by the ATO/STO in person or through whatsup/FB messenger Video calling.

2. As ordered by Government vide Memo 4‘h cited, the physical life certificate shall be attested by Gazetted officer located in the jurisdiction of the SubTreasury only, duly quoting his employee id and contact phone number and by the paybank manager of the bank branch where the pension SB A/C is existing If due to any reason, the pensioner is unable to appear before the ATO/STO personally, the pensioner shall be verified through Whatsup/FB Messenger Video calling by t 1e ATO/STO and only after being satisfied with the physical eXIstence of the pensioner by the ATO/STO, such physical life certificate shall be accepted.

3 In respect of phys cal AVC (Life) 5 received through Registered post, the pensioner shall be verified through whatsup/FB messenger video calling and after satisfactory verification only such certificates received through post
shall be accepted and such certificates shall be attested only by the local Gazetted officer/paybank manager and not by gazetted officers of other districts/states.

4 In respect of bed r dden pensioners, ATO/STO may take a positive view and visn the house of bed ridden pensioner to verify his/her existence. As an alterna ive bed redden pensioner may also be verified through Whatsup /FB messenger video calling after obtaining physical life certificate.

5. In respect of pensioners living in other countries, the physical life certificate shall be attested by the officials of Indian embassy/Consulate/ registered notary of that place and on receipt of such life certificates, ATO/STO may verify such pensioner through Whatsup /FB messenger video calling. But whenever Pensioner comes to India, he/she must ensure to be physically present before the Sub-Treasury Officer and submit the certificate again for verification
 6. Pensroners who fai to prov de their Aadhaar number shall be physically ter‘ ied by the A O/STO with outmost caution and care. But after such verl ication, they should not be denied their monthly pension until further hst uctlons from this office on obtaining of Aadhaar Number.
 7. In respect of pensnoners who have submitted their life certificates through "Jeevan Pramaan" separate Instructions will be issued shortly.
 8 in respect of pensioners having Aadhaar number obtained in other states, which is not accessible to us, physical life certificate (AVC) may be accepted by the STO/ATO after ver fying the pensioner in person or through whatsup/FB messenger video calling. However the Aadhaar number shall be captured on the AVC and in the Master data.
9. Digital AVCs a ready received will be in the login of respective STOs. As per Para 2 of Memo 2 “ cited. the ATOs/STOs shall immediately takeout the printout of the Digital AVCs compare them with the respective PPOs and the Digital AVC shall be confirmed by STOs between 15-02-2018 and 15-04-2018 without fail which should be monitored personally by Deputy Directors of respective Districts. Staff support from DTO shall be provided to Heavy SubTreasunes for conformation of Digital AVCs.
    The Deputy Directors are instructed to convene a meeting of ATOs/ STOs under the r control immediately, communicate the above instructions to all of them and chalk out a programme for verification of the Digital AVCs under their personal supervision. Any laxity of Deputy Directors in this regard will be viewed ser ous y.
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