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Monday 13 November 2017

Payment of Salaries to the employees working in Grant in aid institutions on 1st of every month - Relaxation of quarterly regulations G.O.MS.No.182

                                             Finance (Budget.I) Department

G.O.MS.No. 182                                                                                         Dated: 13-11-2017

Read the following
Letter No.H1/3897/2016 of DTA, AP, Dt: 20.07.2016
Government have issued orders detailed guidelines from time to time for payment of salaries promptly to the employee’s working under various categories viz., Grant-in-Aid institutions, engaged on Outsourcing or Contract. It is brought to the notice of the Government that drawing and disbursing of salaries of the employees working in the Grant in Aid institutions is not happening on the specified dates as in the case of Government employees. Government has examined the matter in detail in consultation with the Director of Treasuries and Accounts and Pay and Accounts Officer. It has been observed that there were certain obstacles in the existing system of releasing of funds from Government to the bottom line institutions as detailed below:
a) The Heads of departments may not take up a critical exercise to arrive at the actual requirement of funds based on employees’ strength and pay and allowances payable to them resulting in inaccurate Budget Estimates and distribution to the unit offices.
b) The Heads of departments are taking much time for distribution of the budget to respective DDOs well in advance.
c) In case of shortfall of the budget provision, delay in submission of necessary proposals for release of funds from Government either by way of re appropriation or additional funds by the HODs.
2. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh has proposed for exempting the head of account 310/311 — Grants-in-aid towards Salaries from budget control and permitting all Grant-in-Aid institutions to draw salaries under 310/311 through treasuries by submitting bills to treasuries with counter signature of designated competent appropriate authorities and subjecting such salary bills to strict audit in treasuries as is done in respect of salary bills under 010-salaries.
3. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby order that, in the first phase, expenditure towards salaries of the employees of Aided educational institutions, other than Universities, whose salary bills are drawn under detailed HoA: 310/311 Grants-in-aid towards salaries and as per the provisions of S.R.24 read with Instruction of Treasury Rule.16 shall be exempted from the Quarterly Regulation Orders from the salary month of November, 2017 payable on 1st December, 2017 onwards subject to applying the general regulations and procedures followed in drawing the pay and allowances of regular employees and audit procedures followed in Treasury audit on the lines similar to bills under Detailed Head 010 salaries.
4. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts shall evolve required procedure to create data base of those employees, who are brought into the above said procedure, in the Treasury HRMS duly obtaining the required information which shall include the following information for implementing the above orders without any interruption in payment of salaries
to the said category of employees:
1. Government order admitting the post to grant in aid
2. Evidence of Appointment of the employee by following due procedure
3. Completion of qualified service for earning increment(s).
The required details of cadre strength and employee-wise details shall be scrutinized and certified by the respective authorized Counter-Signing Authorities of the departments concerned. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts shall create and communicate necessary data input sheets to the departments.
5. All the departments of Secretariat/Heads of Departments are requested to take necessary action for implementation of the above orders in coordination with the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh and Pay and Accounts Officer, Amaravathi.
6. These orders shall not be taken as an exemption from existing procedures of budget controls, reconciliations and accounting. The respective authorities shall take action to take care of these as usual.
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