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Wednesday 20 September 2017

G.O.Ms.No.167 Dated: 20-09-2017 - Loans and Advances - Admissibility in Revised pay Scales, 2015

                                           FINANCE (HR.VI-A&L-TA) DEPARTMENT
G.O.Ms.No.167                                                                               Dated: 20-09-2017
Read the following:
  1. G.O.Ms.No.175, Finance (A&L) Department, Dt: 15-05-2010.
  2. G.O.(P) No. 46, Fin (HRM-V) Department, dated. 30.04.2015.
  3. From the Special Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister C.M.P.No.625/Spl. C.S/2017, Dt: 22-06-2017 enclosing the representation of the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Association, Dt: 09-06-2017.
In the Government Order 2nd read above, based on the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission, Orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 to the State Government employees.
  1. The Ninth Pay Revision Commission, among others, has recommended the enhancement of eligible ceiling for various existing advances for which Government employees are eligible as per Rules.
  2. Government, after careful consideration of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission recommendations, and in modification of the existing orders in Government orders in the reference 1st read above, governing sanction of such advances to Government employees, here by enhance the ceiling as recommended by the Tenth Pay Revision Commission, as follows.
Motor Car Advance:

Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of No. of Rate of Eligibility Amount of No.of Rate of
Advance Instalments Interest Advance Instalments Interest
Officers whose basic pay is Rs.27700/- and above 15 months’ basic pay or Rs.4.50 lakhs or actual cost whichever is less Principal – 135 Interest – 65 8.50% p.a. Officers whose basic pay is Rs.37,100/- and above 15 months’ basic pay or Rs.6.00 lakhs or actual cost whichever is less Principal – 135 Interest – 65 a. For Class-IV -5.00% p.a. b. For Others -

b. Motor Cycle / Scooter:

Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Rate of Interest Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Rate of Interest
Officers whose basic pay is Rs 11,530/- and above 07- months’ basic pay or Rs.60,000/- or actual cost whichever is less. Principal – 80 Interest –16 7.50% p.a. Officers whose basic pay is Rs.22, 460/and above . 07- months’ basic pay or Rs..80,000/- or actual cost whichever is less. Principal – 80 Interest –16 a.For Class-IV 5.00% p.a. b.For Others -5.50% p.a.
c. Moped Advance:

Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of No.of Rate of Eligibility Amount of No.of Rate of
Advance Instalments Interest Advance Instalments Interest
Officers whose basic 07- months’ Principal – 7.50% Officers 07- months’ Principal – a. For
pay is Rs.11530/- and basic pay 60 p.a. whose basic basic pay 60 Class-IV
above. or Interest –16 pay is or Interest –16 5.00%
Rs.25,000/- Rs.16,400/- Rs.35,000/- p.a.
or and above. or
All Drivers who have completed two years of service irrespective of their basic pay. actual cost which-ever is less All Drivers who have actual cost whichever is less b. For Others -5.50% p.a.
two years of
of their basic

d. Bicycle Advance:
Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of No.of Rate of Eligibility Amount of No.of Rate of
Advance Instalments Interest Advance Instalments Interest
All employees Rs.5,000/ Principal – 6.50% All Rs.10,000/ Principal – a. For
including Class-IV or 26 p.a. employees or 26 Class-IV
(except to those for Actual Interest –04 including Actual Cost Interest –04 -5.00%
whom advance for the Cost Class-IV whichever is p.a.
purchase of Motor Car whichever (except to less.
/Motor Cycle is less. those for b. For
sanctioned earlier) whom advance for Others -5.50%
the purchase p.a.
of Motor Car
/ Motor Cycle


Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Rate of Interest Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Rate of Interest
For the a. For Class- Principal – 1. Gazetted For the a. For Class- Principal – a. For Class-IV
marriage of IV : 70 Officers – 8.5% marriage of IV 70 -5.00% p.a.
male Either 15 Interest – p.a. male Either 15 Interest –
employees months’ pay 10 employees months pay 10
themselves or or Rs.30,000/- 2. Non them-selves or b. For Others
for the whichever is Gazetted or for the Rs.75,000/- 5.50% p.a.
marriage of less. Officers – 7.5% marriage of whichever is
sons of the p.a. sons of the less.
male / b.For male /
female employees. Others: Either 15 months pay 3. Class-IV employees – 6.5% p.a. female employees. b. For Others: Either 15
or Rs.50,000/- whichever is less.   months pay or Rs. 1,25,000/- whichever is less.  
For the a. For Class- Principal – 1. Gazetted For the a. For Class- Principal – a. For Class-IV
marriage of IV : 70 Officers – 8.5% marriage of IV 70 -5.00% p.a.
female Either 15 Interest – p.a. female Either 15 Interest –
employees months pay 10 employees months pay 10 b. For Others
them-selves or 2. Non them-selves or 5.50% p.a.
or Rs.50,000/- Gazetted or for the Rs.
for the whichever is Officers – 7.5% marriage of 1,00,000/-
marriage of less. p.a. sons of the whichever is
daughter of male / less.
the male / b. For 3. Class-IV female
female employees Others: Either 15 employees – 6.5% p.a. employees b.For Others:
months pay or Rs.75,000/- whichever is less.   Either 15 months pay or Rs. 2,00,000/whichever is less.  


Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of No.of Instal- Rate of Eligibility Amount of No.of Rate of Interest
Advance ments Interest Advance Instal
Employees Rs.50,000/- Principal-135 8.50% Employees Rs.50,000/- Princip a. For Class-IV
whose basic pay Interst-65 whose basic al-135 5.00% p.a.
is Rs.22,430/- pay is Interst
p.m., or more. Rs.16,400/- 65 b. For Others -
p.m., or 5.50% p.a.


Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments
a) Employees drawing pay in the scale of Rs.13,660 – 38,570 or below . b.) For Class-IV: Rs.3,000/- Rs.2,000/ 10 10 a) Employees drawing pay in the scale of Rs.26,600 – 77,030 or below b.) For Class-IV: Rs.7,500/Rs.5,000/ 10 10
Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments
a) Gazetted Officers b) Non-Gazetted Officers b.) For Class-IV: Rs.5,000/- Rs.4,000/- Rs.3,000/- 10 10 10 a) Gazetted Officers b) Non-Gazetted Officers b.) For Class-IV: Rs.7,500/Rs.6,000/Rs.4,500/- 10 10 10


Existing Revised
Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments Eligibility Amount of Advance No.of Instalments
Non-Gazetted Officers and Class-IV: Rs.5,000/ 10 Non-Gazetted Officers and Class-IV: Rs.7,500/ 10
  1. In respect of all loans the penal interest will be charged at the double the rate of normal interest in case the advances are mis-utilized or not utilized at all and at 1.5 times the normal rates for non-compliance with formalities.
  2. All other conditions governing the sanction of above advances under the existing Rules will continue.
  3. These orders shall come into force from the date of issue of the G.O..
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